Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Kalau Dah Jodoh, Tak Kemana
I have to admit, she is physically beautiful. Very fair. A girl with full of smiles and super intelligent! Kind-hearted, joyfull, and every mother-in-law dream daughter I would say.
On the second day of raya, her mother (who is ACTUALLY the cousin) gave the wedding invitation card to us the Kayah's family. We were obviously shocked! and what can we say then, jodoh dia dah sampai.
When asked how did they first met, with smiles on her face she replied confidently, "jumpa kat internet". She has her own personal blog and somehow the future husband read her blog and decided to meet her parents for approval. For a hand of marriage. They met once; with the company of her mother and the next thing that they know, the future husband's family came for merisik. And Insyaallah they will be officially husband and wife in the next couple of weeks.
It was indeed a very fast process. I was not agree with it at first but like I said, jodoh dia dah sampai. How can you actually agreed to marry with someone you barely know? Call me typical but I prefer getting to know the person first (getting to know his side of family, his interpersonal and whatnots) before agreeing for something so big. It's your own future we are talking about here! The one that you're going to spend the rest of your life with. But then again, jodoh dia dah sampai.
I have no rights to say. I'm too young to voice my opinion out. Well, it's not my call anyway.
But Nadiah, I am trully happy for you. I am happy that you finally found someone that will take care of you profoundly. My prayers will always be with you. Amin!
Sedihnya =(
Monday, September 28, 2009
Apabila Semua Sudah Kembali Bekerja
- Jalanraya di Kuala Lumpur sudah tidak lagi berada seperti di kawasan hulu Selangor. Maknanya, kesesakan jalanraya adalah sudah kembali kepada keadaan normal.
- Walaupun masih ada yang mengadakan rumah terbuka, tetapi kuantitinya tidaklah sama seperti waktu semuanya sedang bercuti.
- Keadaan di pejabat tidak lagi seperti mahu makan gaji buta. Oh! speaking of which, the say of "everybody leaves" is by far true.
- Keadaan di pejabat juga tidak lagi senyap seperti berada di dalam gua walaupun wajah masing-masing masih dalam bentuk yang sungguh mencurigakan.
- Semuanya sudah kembali mengejar dateline and I'm dead between the lines.
- If I must say, I am very very thankful for what I have now, for the life that I'm leading, for the job that I'm working (with the super cool company) and for the love that I'm getting. I wouldn't want to change them for the world.
Sudah lunch hour, tata *gaya Khloe Kardashian*
Friday, September 25, 2009
Nasi Lomak Dan Kita Semua
But I've never stopped myself from craving for one. Dengan kondisi yang mampu mencairkan air liur dan sudah tentu-tentunya akan cair dan tanpa melengah-lengahkan lagi masa, I bought myself a large pack of nasi lemak this morning.
Lagi lama ku tahan, lagi lama perut ni tidak mampu menanggung kebuluran.
Dengan keadaan yang masih di dalam minggu raya, there's no, I repeat, NO AVAILABLE kedai-tepi-jalan that operates within the usual morning hours. There're none at my housing area. Makcik sodap jual nasi lemak masih lagi di dalam keseronokan beraya and there're also none di Jalan Ipoh.
But I was lucky enough to spot a small warung that sells nasi lemak on my way to the office. Tanpa menghiraukan keadaan sekeliling, I get myself a pack of nasi lemak consists of sambal lebih dan juga paru (dengan tambahan sambalnya sekali) tanpa kacang.
The satisfactory: priceless!
Walau banyak mana pon makanan yang telah di makan, tambahan pula di hari raya yang sudah tentu-tentu dihidangkan dengan makanan yang 150 kali ganda enaknya, nasi lemak akan tetap menjadi pojaan. Walau jauh mana pun merantau, sehingga ke utara Rusia sekali pun, nasi lemak juga yang akan di cari.
Or is it just me?
And I'm sleepy even with a cup of black coffee in hand.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Never Say Goodbye
She lost her mother recently. But I was suprise to see how she's cooping up looking through the history she has between her mom and her, I just couldn't imagine the sadness that she has to face. But I'm glad to see that she's doing fine!
She has another semester to go before completing her degree and I'm wishing you all the best and we shall meet again after you're finally over with Japan. Take care Cik Ummi Nasir. Much loves and kisses from me here in Malaysia.
They're Back
- Yes, they are! And I can see that my following days will be as brighter as the sun can ever shines. At least, I know I would and something to fill my nights for the upcoming months. All the tv-series are back in town with a new season. Hotness! And more to come, yeayness! But I have to admit, new series with new characters and new faces in line, I-so-don't-like-lah! I want my Peyton and Lucas with the pretty baby!!!!!! Nvm, there's always Chuck to fill me in. Auwmmm!
- Kodi gila aku nih!
- Raya is over, for me at least. I was practically doing nothing yesterday and regratted for taking a day off. I'm back in the office now and enjoying every bits of it (al-maklumlah kerja tiada).
- Speaking of which, Raya this year was as expected. I had my share and I enjoyed it. Enough said.
- There are times when I feel like school is waaayyyyy better than waking up in the morning and go for work. And today is one of the days. Alangkah nikmat jika masih boleh pergi ke sekolah dan belajar. But then again, bilanya nak maju jika asyik di tahap yang sama?
- Pencapaian paling hebat, duit gaji masih belum di sentuh!
- Starting over is not easy. Pleasing people is not an easy job either. But if you believe in each other, I think everything will be just fine. In its own way! Insyallah.
- I guess that's for now. You know you love me, xoxo.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Ikhlas dari Saya
Thursday, September 17, 2009
2 Days To Hari Raya
2 days to Raya and I have yet to get my killer raya heels (takda ke siapa-siapa nak belanja?), I have yet to get myself a new set of bedsheet (for the fact that I sleep with none right now), I have yet to get myself a place to hang my sejadah and whatnots and I have yet to complete in decorating my room.
But I have been collecting sampul duit raya from every client. Alangkah baik jika di dalam sampul itu diisikan sekali dengan beberapa nota kertas yang ber-cop wajah Tuanku Abdul Rahman (Tuanku ke Tengku?) di sebelah kanannya.
Everyone has started leaving for their kampung I guess. The road wasn't as busy as usual. It took me just 15 minutes to reach office today. Mind you, I am a public transportation user and I take bus ride everyday. Oh! how I wish that I don't have to work today (and tomorrow, darn!)
I need to get back to work! I'll wish everyone tomorrow okie dookie?!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
3 Days to Hari Raya
You have been super nice to let me to have another 3 extra days before you decided to appear on me this morning. I thought you were going to let me go without you this month to let me have a nice one solid month of Ramadan. But I guess you miss me so much you decided to hit me with just another 3 nights left. I'm very disappointed.
We will be celebrating Syawal in 3 days but I already had mine today and it's all because of you. Thank you but no thanks Miss Red!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
4 Days to Hari Raya
I haven't been laughing hilariously for a very long time and yesterday really was the day that I totally having fun. Seriously fun!


Monday, September 14, 2009
5 Days to Hari Raya
I was in a mood to bake chocolate chip cookies for raya yesterday night. Yes, I repeat, YESTERDAY NIGHT that ended up me having less then 3 hours of sleep for the fact that today is actually a working day.
But the end results, yummy-licious. I feel proud of myself though! Banggo den!
Marilah kita sama-sam berkongsi langkah-langkah kegembiraan ini ye puan-puan sekalian.
1) Langkah pertama: Unfrozen the dough for 15-20 minutes or atleast till the dough is half soft.
2) Langkah kedua: make a round-shaped cookies and place in a baking tray (dalam bahasa tradisionalnya, di atas penutup periuk). But, make sure that the round-shaped cookies is not as big as your hand as it will spread in the oven.
3) Langkah ketiga: Bake for 15-20 minutes depending on the quality of the oven used (kalau oven yang sudah agak berumur, bakarlah dengan masa yang sedikit lebih).
4) Langkah keempat: You'll get a round-shaped brown-colored cookies fresh from the oven as seen on the picture below (and above)
5) Langkah kelima: Siaplah sudah cokkies anda dan bolehlah dihidangkan di dalam balang sewaktu hari raya dan pastikan kuantitinya tidak berkurangan sebelum hari raya tiba. Cicah teh pon sodap!
Till we meet again. I'm late for work!.
Tata! *dengan nada sebijik Kim kardashian*
Fadhilat Solat Terawih Malam KeDuaPuluhLima: Allah Taala angkatkan daripada siksa kubur.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
6 Days To Hari Raya
With family, friends and the loved ones. I have nothing more to ask. I have nothing else to gain. I'm just blessed and I'm thankful for what I have. The people around me, the support I received and the love that I have were more then what I've asked for. Syukur!
Friday, September 11, 2009
8 Days to Hari Raya
Kalau di soal secara verbal lebih senang kerana boleh di-kelentong sana-sini but in a writing-form amat payah kerana terpaksa memikirkan susunan ayat yang berkesan untuk memperolehi susunan ayat yang cantik dan confident.
It takes me 2 days to complete the questions. I had to bring back the papers home semata-mata untuk mencari ilham. Seriously, I was struggling in answering them. It was hard; for me it was sampai kena solat dulu baru jawab. Plus I were never really good in appraising myself.
Hasilnya, dapatlah jawapan yang serupa macam menjawab soalan dalam paper Kimia.
But I'm glad with the feedback I received from both my boss and the GM.
Makan besar bulan depan yuk! =)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
9 Days To Hari Raya
Fadhilat Solat Terawih Malam KeDuaPuluhSatu: Allah binakan sebuah istana dalam Syurga daripada nur.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
10 Days to Hari Raya
It's been the toughest Ramadan for me so far and I have to admit that I learn alot during this Ramadan. But most of all, He does listen. And He listened well. I just need to remind myself that I have Him to look after to. All that I have to do is pray and Insyaallah, my prayers will be answered coz he listens! This is the power of Bulan Ramadan.
10 days left before Syawal. Lets us all make full use of it coz within this 10 remaining days, we might be getting a bigger reward coz Lailatul'qadar is here.
And Syawal is next! Wohoooo!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
11 Days to Hari Raya
But I couldn't resist from clicking blogspot (promote!promote!). I guess, there's always something to write about. Something to tell the world hoping that they would read it. A place where I can just write without having to worry about a single thing. Tempat untuk orang jadi gila glamour pon ada juga.
I started writing in a blog since I was in form 2. I met few friends thru iRC (ingat tak zaman kegemilangan chatting?) and they taught me how to work with coding and whatnot. I learnt how to create my own webpage and make it as my own digital diary. We even compared our pages with each other to improve (lah konon) our sense of computer designing. It was the era of the ever famous Geocities and Tripod where one could host a site for free.
But as the time goes by and technology starts playing its role, there are few free hosted webpages for bloggers. Blogspot to name a few. And I have been its most loyal user ever since. And I have never stop writing in a blog.
Its an addiction, I guess. Something that you could never stop doing. Macam makan chocolate. Hari-hari mesti makan chocolate. Kalau tak makan kira sudah bazir satu hari.
For some, blogging is to past their time. Just like me; to past my time while waiting for lunch break to over or distracting myself from thinking about what my mother is preparing for berbuka (aku lapar weyh hari ni tak tahu kenapa?!). But for some, blogging is the place for them to express their anger about certain issues; say politicians. Some politicians, they blogged for defending themselves. Some said that it's the best medium to get close with the community. For some, its the best place to gain popularity but to some, it is just because everyone is doing it, so why don't they have one.
Today, people tend to look blogging as another medium of communications not just to express whatever things that they like/dislike but a place for them to sell and do business; same goes as moi! There are online boutiques at every corner. Pendek cerita, blogging sudah berkembang.
Jadi jangan terlalu pendek akal untuk menyekat orang-orang yang berbelog (bak kat Hanis Zalikha)
Monday, September 7, 2009
12 Days to Hari Raya
And I decided to commit a sin for myself too. Since it was a very hot day with the pressure of watching your sister having a nice meal while you were struggling to not to faint for fasting; I took a long shower in the name of cooling myself down. Shower yang sumpah lama kalau masak nasi, nasi boleh masak ranggup! And I don't
Jadi, pada puasa yang ke-17, kita semua bersalah!
On the other note, my favourite cousin, Salehuddin's favourite quote is "haiyaaa" (with a perfectly chinese-sound-tone) and I keep on wondering where on earth does he learn such word. Mind you, he's only 4. Kids can be such an adorable ones that brighten up your days and nights no matter how naughty they could've been.
Oh! I'm blessed! Alhamdulillah
Sunday, September 6, 2009
13 Days to Hari Raya



Fadhilat Solat Terawih Malam KeTujuhBelas: Allah kurniakan orang yang berterawih pahalanya pada malam ini sebanyak pahala Nabi-Nabi.
Friday, September 4, 2009
A Letter to You
Its been awhile since my last letter to you. Its been awhile since I last talking to you. Its been awhile since everything nice happened between us. Its been awhile since our last conversation. Its been awhile!
Maybe it's my fault for not staying connected. Maybe it's my fault for not communicating. Maybe it's my fault to be too selfish and self-centered. Maybe it's my fault for neglecting you too much. Maybe it's my fault for hurting you too much. Maybe it's my fault for making you feel insecure. Maybe it's my fault for making you hated me this much. Maybe it's my fault for making you changing your mind. Maybe it is my fault.
I hope you feel better this way. I hope you have all the happiness that you wished for. I hope things are working out fine on your side. I hope you gained everything in your list. I hope life gives you wonders everyday. Coz hope is the only thing that I can offer. And my offer stands profoundly.
My prayers will always be with you.
Much loves and kisses,
15 days to Hari Raya
Abang driver bus yang handsome is back in action. Wah! macho habis but I was too sleepy to "appreciate" his machoness this morning. Neh!, some other time maybe.
I'm baking again. Yep! Yep! after a very loonnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggg break, I'm heating the oven again. Oh! and this reminds me of the upcoming raya.
Raya Mode: On
Oh! and also to remind myself to get a killer raya heels this year. Yey babeh! Walaupun pada hakikatnya pada hari raya akan berselipar jepun sahaja untuk kemana-mana. I just can't let myself loose man! It's RAYA we're talking about. I'm not planning to waste any of my annual leaves for this upcoming raya. What's the point? My kampung is just 30 minutes away. The uncles and aunties are all within the KL area which obviously will be meeting up with each other on the 1st day of raya itself (which falls on Sunday, Insyaallah). Plus, we were given 4 extra days to celebrate (excluding your own personal holiday leave). Jadi, apakah gunanya pembaziran cuti yang boleh digunakan di masa hadapan? Furthermore, there are just 3 working days left before the weekend. Jadi, simpan cuti.
And I'm giving out duit raya too this year. It's the first year of giving out duit raya instead of receiving (which have been a waited yearly event for me for the past years). Berdebar! Berdebar!
So Raya, I'm counting you now!
p/s: Jangan lupa baca doa Qunut bila semayang terawih nanti ye!
Happy day peeps!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Perbadanan Tabung Pelajaran Tinggi Nasional
Its been 3 months now since I first started paying for the loan I made for my education. Dalam bahasa melayunya, "belum habis belajar sudah ada hutang tunggu". But what the heck, it's for education purposes, jadi mahu tak mahu, hutang tetap hutang.
And I make it as a habit (Cheh! habit konon) to put a side a little bit of my monthly salary to pay for the loan coz I don't want to hold any more education dept for the rest of my life as it has been a burden to me (and to most of the loan holders) to pay for the irrelevant amount of education loan (yang hanya lebih pada bunga dan dividennya sahaja bukan pada the grand total of the loan amount).
While waiting for the bus this morning, I calculated the amount of months and years I have to spend paying for the dept and it came to sum of 4 solid years. 4 years to complete my education loan. 4 YEARS!!!
Jadi konklusinya, dalam masa 4 tahun, tujuan penghidupan saya adalah bukan untuk mendirikan rumahtangga atau memiliki kediaman sendiri atau yang seumpama dengannya tetapi adalah kejayaan dalam melangsaikan hutang PTPTN itu. And that is why I call it PTPT(PU).
Ada mana-mana lelaki kaya, tidak berapa tua dan handsome yang mahu menjadi sugardaddy ku? Boleh tolong bayarkan hutang!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Yes, I do complain
Ok! maybe I crossed over board but due to respect, I would like to express this unsatisfactory I had ever since we started fasting.
Mind me, I don't actually care or bother with what you're going to do with your life nor I, at some point loose anything from any of your actions but please, I say please at least have the courtesy of respecting others who are actually FASTING.
It is totally your business. TOTALLY! And I had nothing against you because at the end of the day, it is actually your life, your kind of style, your own living. And well, I respect that. I don't go judging people by what they do or how they lead their lives. Asal lu tak kacau hidup gua sudah cukup! Baik seseorang itu bukan pada fizikalnya tapi pada hatinya. And I believe that!
But, but making the world to know that you're actually not fasting and having some sort of good smell food around fasting people, THIS IS TOTALLY NOT COOL! Lu tak nak puasa, itu lu punya pasal tapi tolonglah! respect sikit kat orang lain yang puasa. Tapi bila cerita pasal nak pergi buka puasa, lu paling hebat sekali macam lu puasa. Like I said, I have nothing against you cuma kasi respect sikit kat orang lain, cukup!
I am not a devoted muslim myself either. I too sometimes don't practice my religion the way I should be. But despite of any religions, respecting other people is an important role that we should practice in our lives. Itu dinamakan tolerasi!
Sekian terima kasih!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
As I reached the bus station, it was empty and I just realized that I'm about 5 minutes late from the 7.30am bus. Well, there's always the next one. When I'm about to sneeze another smelly smells, the rain started pouring. Heavily. The cars started switching on their car's light, the motocycles started stopping at the same bus station and people started squeezing from each other just to prevent from getting wet. It was raining heavily. So there goes my fresh, energetic day. But the smell from the rain reminded me that there's always something good coming out from every hussles. I stood there shivering and still wondering why isn't the bus here yet.
I saw kids dressed in their school uniform soaked as if they were freshly out from the washing machine, I saw motorcyclists stopped halfway and whined about the rain and I heard people like me who waited for the bus whined about the bus which was still nowhere to be seen. And it's all because of the rain.
It stopped the moment the bus arrived. And I'm now in the office feeling very cold and having goosebumps in my stomach at the same time with the thought of it is still 8.30am when it is clearly now 20 minutes away from 10 in the morning.
Alhamdulillah, we have reached the 2nd half of Ramadan and i must say, this year is the toughest Ramadan for me so far. Mentally and emotionally. But i'm still hanging, I am still standing.
After all, who are we to judge?