Friday, September 11, 2009

8 Days to Hari Raya

I was called by my GM for an evalution couple of days ago. I had to evaluate myself for the company's record or something like that. I was given 5 pages of questions that requires me to answer them all. I thought I was going to be asked verbally but it turned out to be in a subjective form. Dah serupa macam menjawab soalan SPM paper Kimia. I was struggling in answering the questions for I have never in my life been evaluting myself. I never really liked to evaluate the progessions I made through out my life apatah lagi di pejabat. But I answered them anyway.

Kalau di soal secara verbal lebih senang kerana boleh di-kelentong sana-sini but in a writing-form amat payah kerana terpaksa memikirkan susunan ayat yang berkesan untuk memperolehi susunan ayat yang cantik dan confident.

It takes me 2 days to complete the questions. I had to bring back the papers home semata-mata untuk mencari ilham. Seriously, I was struggling in answering them. It was hard; for me it was sampai kena solat dulu baru jawab. Plus I were never really good in appraising myself.

Hasilnya, dapatlah jawapan yang serupa macam menjawab soalan dalam paper Kimia.

But I'm glad with the feedback I received from both my boss and the GM.

Makan besar bulan depan yuk! =)

Fadhilat Solat Terawih Malam KeDuaPuluhDua: Datang ia pada hari Qiamat aman daripada tiap-tiap dukacita dan kerisauan (tidaklah dalam keadaan huru-hara di Padang Masyar).

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