We are finally engaged. What more can I say other than Alhamdulillah, Syukran! It wasn't in the plan book. Not to say that I don't want to get married and what not (it has been my "life-long ambition" to get married ever since I'm 16. No kidding!) but not within this short period of time. I did not pictured myself getting engaged/married 3 months ago but hey, I am now officially engaged! Alhamdulillah.
We've been through a lot. Hell of a lot. Never thought that it actually happened. 5 years ago, we were only friends. I was not interested with love nor relationship. But somehow you made me believe in one. We have our differences. We somehow thought that maybe we were not meant for each other. That was the hardest episode of all time. Trying to fix what was broken. Trying to be better with each other. And because of that, we are one step closer to being together, officially.
It was a special day for us, for you actually. You were officially a day older on that particular day. And so, with this opportunity, Happy Birthday Sayang. Thank you, thank you for still believe in me, in us! Thank you for sticking up with me through this 5 hell of years. Thank you.
Would like to personally thank my family who were there from day one in making this memorable day as how it was. The sacrifices, the hardship; everything! It wouldn't went smoothly without each and everyone of you. My girlfriends (Yanti, Za and Taj) for being my arms and legs, for lending your ears and shoulder to cry on. I owe you my life girls. I really do! And finally to those who came (family and friends) thanks so much for coming. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Love much,
Congratzzz Ex-Rommie!! =)) So happy for you both!!!
congratulations :)) will be waiting for the kad jemputan kawin then :P ngehehehe.
thanks cik atonn and cik rashidah. will deliver the card no worries =) hehe
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