Was cleaning my room when I saw a box of cds I have from I-don't-know-what-centuries-they-came-from and saw this one particular cd with "friends & love" as its' caption. And tadaaa, it contains photos of Izwan and me from way back then when we first started dating. Auwww!
This was taken during our first outing together as a couple at one of the malls in Penang. Malu-malu kucing lagi time ni. Bertapa tak mature-nya muka masing-masing. 20 tahun lah katakan!!
Taken during his 22nd birthday celebration. Was on a tight budget (biasalah, tengah belajar lagi) so we decided to have lunch together at Pizza Hut.
This was taken at one of the evening where he had to accompany me to send off my assignment/project at my school. It was a good evening though. We spent some hours appreciating the weather.
And this was taken on a night where he was forced to accompany me to do my assignment. I had to do a photo shoot for my project and he was my subject matter.
Random outing sessions.
So there you go, a series of photos of me and Mr. Izwan. Sorry for the kodi-ness but I just can't help it. Being in love is a beautiful thing especially when you know that you're marrying the person who you can't live without.
We were both still studying when we first met. We didn't expect that this relationship last this long. We've been through some shits together. We lost ourselves in the middle. We met someone new in between but somehow, the bond still holding strong. I hope, I'm doing the right thing by accepting your proposal. I hope we'll be together forever, Insyaallah.
Sorry peeps! I'm in love and I can't help it.
New layout ey?
So sweet la the pictures.
haha muka tak mature lagi.
thanx nway =)
owh,rupe-rupenye aku salah seorg yang knal korg dr awal smpai tunang..bangga2.hahha
lebih membanggakan apabila kau adalah orang yg kenal ktorg sebelum ktorg kenalkan diri ktorg.
kau paham tak ape yg cuba aku sampaikan?!
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