Six years ago, you sent a text message with just an Hello! I did not reply though I know it was from you. That unfamiliar phone number of yours made it so clear to me that you were serious when you said that you wanted to be my friend. Honestly, I know you wanted more than just becoming a friend; becoming my friend. Didn't I tell you that my instinct's a bitch. It never fails on me and it was right all along.
We've been through a lot together. Some were good and some were terribly bad. You have been the sweetest person I have ever met and the most annoying creature god has ever created at certain level of point. Who would have thought, that little annoying of yours has make me love you even more. You who have loved me to the highest sky, who have hated me to the deepest low and who have been the most patience while handling the psycho part of me. And with that, I'm truly grateful for I have made the right decision to stay and to fight for this relationship even when there was a time when I feel of giving up.
Six year later - today, you are the man that I married and to have this love stays forever and to grow old together with you, Insyaallah is all that I'm praying for.
There will be no more today. There will be no more celebration on remembering today but today shall remain forever as the day that you have said Hello!
We've been through a lot together. Some were good and some were terribly bad. You have been the sweetest person I have ever met and the most annoying creature god has ever created at certain level of point. Who would have thought, that little annoying of yours has make me love you even more. You who have loved me to the highest sky, who have hated me to the deepest low and who have been the most patience while handling the psycho part of me. And with that, I'm truly grateful for I have made the right decision to stay and to fight for this relationship even when there was a time when I feel of giving up.
Six year later - today, you are the man that I married and to have this love stays forever and to grow old together with you, Insyaallah is all that I'm praying for.
There will be no more today. There will be no more celebration on remembering today but today shall remain forever as the day that you have said Hello!
Love much, your wife
That's a very sweet thougths. Semoga hubungan kalian terpelihara sehingga ke syurga. Amin.
Terima kasih. Amin =)
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