Some people are just so....... fortunate. Minta apa semua dapat. Minta lah apa saja, you name it, everything under the sun, CONFIRM dapat without having to work hard for it, without having to earn it, without having to think twice even before asking.
I was fortunate too......for not being raised as fortunate as "some people". I don't get the chance to ask my parents everything I feel like having/owning. Everything that I owned or have had were either from my yearly birthday celebrations (it's the only event where I'm able to request for material stuff) or gifts I received for achieving good results for exams which happened once in the blue moon (Ohh! I went to a school where 75% for a Chemistry paper for a midterm exam is considered as very weak. Imagine the pressure that I have to go through because your classmate got 99% for the very same paper). But, how much can a girl like me have? But I still live. After all, education is more important than earning material stuff. That's what I always thought and for the fact that I was not born in a wealthy family. Spending recklessly is not an option. It's all about prioritizing. And I'm glad that I'm raised that way. At least, I learn how to appreciate my life more. And the feeling of using my own hard earning now is more satisfying, don't you think so?! I know I am. Plus, I'm able to give back to my parents now and it's even more satisfying.
But kids nowadays, hurmmmm...entahlah! Minta lah apa saja. Everything will be served on the plate for them even without asking. They are just so.....fortunate.
Nah! Not that I'm jealous or what. Ok, Maybe I am, a bit! I mean, there's nothing wrong with showering your children with everything under the sun but at least, make them feel like they deserve it. I don't know. Maybe because I'm used to how I was raised. My dad was pretty much strict. We don't get the chance to enjoy life luxuriously. Of course I'm not happy with that. But look at where it brought me. Orang cakap, "bersusah-susah dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian". Dan cakap orang itu adalah amat tepat sekali.
And I'm definitely going to raise my future children exactly like how I was raised. You gotta work hard to deserve something not by just asking. Tak gitu?!
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