They came by surprise yesterday. Yanti called to ajak lepak since she'll be at the nearby area to get her stuff done. It was half and hour past 4pm and I already had Pisang Goreng panas with hot tea on the table. So I ajak-ed them to the house instead for tea break. She said she'll be a bit late that she had to cancel. I was getting prepared for dinner pon at that time and since they're still around, I invited them for dinner and knowing Faiz, they agreed to have dinner with us yesterday dengan alasan "bila lagi nak merasa Puan Ajlaa punya air tangan". Little that I know, Yanti invited the rest of the crew to the house. Konon-konon nak kasi surprise. Zarina came in by surprise around Maghrib time. My chicken masak cili and kobis masak lemak santan were already cooked for four people. Nasib baik lagi 2 orang tuh tak jadi datang, else they would have to eat an empty plate.
This is the first time I cook for outsiders other than the usual 4 people; mom, dad, kakak and Izwan. Tak taulah apa rasanya. But Alhamdulillah, lauk yang tak seberapa habis licin. It's either they were too hungry or my food were simply delicious. I think because they were hungry. Heh!
They lepak-ed for awhile for photo session since Izwan bought his new I-don't-know-what lense, he wanted to test it out with them. Ini lah hasilnya bertangkap gambar di padang gelap.
Jongkak-jongket di malam hari |
The soon-to-be-I-don't-know =P |
Us, missing Taj! |
The forever gay-partner! |
Flying solo, but hey, I'm A-OK! |
Beruk mat-ye! |
Swing baby swing |
Ni pon nak jugak! |
Thanks for coming guys. Kalau siapa-siapa sakit perut saya minta maaf.
Oh btw, with this opportunity I would like to wish all Muslims, Salam Ramadhan. Semoga ibadah kita sama-sama diterimaNya, Insyaallah. I would also like to seek for forgiveness from all friends and family members who I've hurt intentionally or unintentionally throughout the years. Kalau ada terkasar bahasa, moga harap dimaafkan. May we receive the barakah of Ramadhan, Insyaallah.
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