Monday, May 9, 2016

For better or for worse

We celebrated our 5th anniversary last January. Pejam celik, pejam celik dah 5 tahun berumahtangga. And I must say, it is not easy to sustain a marriage; to sustain my marriage. It's true when they say, you only know your partner only when you sleep, shit and eat together.

Within this 5 years of being together, we have our fair share of ups and downs. It is nothing compared to the ones we had during our 5 years of "courting". The fights, the laughters, the disagreements, the happiness; they are all different. I learned a lot through it. I believe I'm more matured through it. 

So what I gained from this 5 years of marriage. A lot, a hell lot!

In all honestly, this marriage is so powerful coz at times, it able to pull my self-esteem down. It demotivates me to the level where I feel like I want to run away from everything and everyone. It also gives me the disappointment feeling which I have never felt before in my life. Despite the negativity, it is so wonderful that it able to change me to the most happiest person on earth just within split seconds. It motivates me to improve myself to be a better person. It teaches me patience. It teaches me to see things in a bigger perspective. It gives me courage to change myself to be a better person. The feeling is so .... priceless.

5 years, we almost lost it all. But I'm glad we are able to pull ourselves together and still holding our hands strong. I guess, it is a learning process for both of us. We need to understand each other better; our wants and needs. We have to understand that marriage is a team work. It is not a one person's job. It's a lifetime commitment between two person who believe in each other, that promise to be with each other through ups and downs; for better or for worse. 

Hidup senang bersama memang senang to achieve tapi hidup susah bersama adalah cabaran sebenar.

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