first and for most, i've officially graduated. yes, Alhamdulillah. all the hardworks, the dramas, the these and that; they are now the greatest past tense of my life and i'm proud to say that nothing, NOTHING have ever been regretted. not a single line. i think, i've spent the past 5 years pretty well. even, the shittest shits happened, and i'm glad that they happened. well, a chapter is now closing and it ended the way it should be and of course with greatest memories in line. and if it was written in a book, it will definitely be the one called, When Ajlaa Survives the Shittest. chewah! berangan.
i miss Penang terribly. i'm no kidding! i don't remember being sad leaving Penang the way i felt when i left Penang Monday the 17th. it felt as if part of me has been torn apart. chewah, drama plak! but seriously, it felt that way. Penang has grown in me pretty well i guess. i'm sure gonna miss Penang after this. though, there won't be anymore trip going up north but i'm sure gonna "visit" them someday. any day!
oh, aku rindu Penang sudah!
macam marching nak masuk tentera je ajlaa...hahaha! Happy for you for your graduation! Congratulation young lady!
btw, everybody who studies in usm, miss penang...<-- me too ;|
biasalah, kawat atas pentas. bila lagi?!
oh, saya juga menangis kerana terlalu sedoh. tak tipu haha
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