Someone once said that we (the family) practice favouritism. My immediate response was "too bad, you're not in our list", sarcastically. My mother doesn't like with what I just said. While she continued the story of us being chossy and picky over some group of people, I had a theory in mind. Well first, I felt sorry for the person who just said that thing; for feeling that way. Second, I just thought that maybe "that" particular group of people felt so left out that they had to say such thing so that we can include them next them. And finally, because we are soo famous, people just want to be with us. Haha! Kidding.
Sadly enough, it came out from a family members too.
Being a cool mom, she just ignored the statement. Though somehow, I knew deep in her heart she was dissappointed over it. If I were in her shoes, I would definitlely felt angry. Knowing me, I would definitely call "that" person up and try to come clean. But my mother, she acted cool over it.
I was angry, definitely I am. Even till today, I can't actually figure out why "they" said such thing. We are family, aren't we?! Then why made such statement? Most importantly, who the bloody hell you think you are for making such statement.
At this point of time, Muhasabah is the good thing to do! Well, it does, to me. Probably it was partly our fault for making other people felt that way but then again, you have to ask yourself back, what have you done so far? Why you felt that way? Is it what it seem to look or was it just your mind talking?
It's not about picking whose fault it falls too. In this matter, there's no right and wrong. Because we have to remember that we are only human and human make mistakes. After all, we are family. We weren't supposed to have that kind of feelings. Busuk hati, dengki sesama ahli keluarga. Apa kes?!
And to you family, muhasabah diri. The door is always open for you to enter.
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