Thursday, January 7, 2010

Aci-aci buka pintu, Nana balik pukul satu.

Selalunya, apa yang kita lihat tidak sama dengan apa yang kita rasa. Contohnya, makanan. Kadang-kadang rupa sesebuah makanan boleh membuatkan air liur meleleh serupa air hujan tetapi apabila di rasa; dicicah dengan lidah, yang keluar daripada mulut hanyalah perkataan "masyaallah" dengan dahi yang berkerut-kerut tanda penyesalan. Ok, "masyaallah" sounds too decent. WTF is more like it, isn't it?! Sorry for the decency. I'm trying to tone down my sense of cursing. WTH, back to the topic.

Serupa juga jika dituangkan sedikit minyak di dalam gelas yang berisi air jernih. Yang timbul adalah minyak dan yang di dasarnya yang tidak kelihatan adalah air jernih yang dituang terlebih dahulu. Basically, what you see on the surface is not the same as the one kept in the heart.

One can look very happy, laughing all the time, smiling from one ear to another but no one can see what's there in his/his heart. One can be very successful, driving big car, wearing prefectly designed couture but no one knows what kind of shits he/she has to go through in reaching the precious life. It's nothing like the rule of design, What You See Is What You Get. What You See Is Not Necessary What You'll Be Getting! Because in the rule of life, people need to survive and by surviving they have to pretend. Pretending to be someone they are not!

Life is not fair, that's the reality. Sebab kita hidup di dunia bukan hidup sorang-sorang. There are million of hearts to be taken care of. Siapa kata hidup itu senang? But the unfairness of life that make us grow stronger; reaching our goals. Fulfilling our desires over things that we always wanted. And that does not include being transparent with our own self.

I've been on the surface and I've been on the ground for the longest time. Thanks to her, she made me realized how bad I have been to myself and to others that matter to me most. Though I am still in state of denial but I am not going to give up on hope even if it takes me million of years to wait. And I will!

  • Tiba-tiba idea yang mencurah-curah tadi hilang macam kena sambar kilat. Work is depressing. How I wish that money can grow on trees. Boleh dipetik-petik tanpa perlu bekerja.
  • Post ini tidak ada kena-mengena dengan tajuknya. Ini adalah kerana pada ketika tajuk itu ditulis, hanya lagu itu yang berkumandang di telinga saya tidak henti-henti. Jadi kesimpulannya, Aci-aci buka pintu, Nana balik pukul satu.
  • Clicking the reality button.
  • Adios!

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