I just posted a different kind of a joker. This particular one is the good looking one. But nonetheless, it never chances the fact what a joker really means.
Has it ever occur to you that you actually have a slightest thoughts of being just the opposite. No matter how hard you convince yourself that you're actually a good person or how helpful you are when someone's in need or how generous you've been to others but deep down in you, you always have the thoughts of being the opposite.
If you ask me what significant-nya gambar joker with the post? The answer is simple. Before he became a joker (in every Batman movies) he was once a good person. But due to some circumstances or pengaruh luar terhadap diri sendiri, he has the grudge to do the revenge over Batman. Just Batman in particular.
And if you apply this so-called-unrealistic-theories-of-mine with the reality, you'll find the reason why manusia jadi jahat. It's simple, because we always have the other voice in us saying the otherwise. Bila ada orang datang menolong kita untuk sesuatu perkara, mesti dalam kepala otak kita fikir yang dia datang menolong atas tujuan lain. Although orang yang datang menolong tu sememang-memangnya datang tolong dengan ikhlas tapi the first thing yang comes in our mind adalah perkara yang negative dulu before the good ones.
Jahat bukanlah bermaksud jahat yang boleh di nampak dengan mata kasar. Benda-benda yang kita fikir dalam kepala otak kita yang buat kita jadi jahat. Hasad dengki adalah jahat. Buruk sangka adalah jahat. Berdendam juga jahat. But, have you ever thought macam mana benda-benda alah ni boleh ada dalam diri kita? Dia ada secara senyap. Tumbuh, beranak-pinak, bercucu-cicit dalam hati kita sampai satu tahap jadi busuk dan akhirnya di benci orang.
In the end, we make ourselves look like a real joker except without an over coloured of white foundation on the face, the extension of lipstick used to shape the lips and a bad hair do.
Pepatah melayu ada tulis, "muka cantik tapi hati busuk macam sampah". I might be exaggerated a little bit but you get the picture don't you.
We are not born perfect. We have flaws but we tend to carry away with things. We think we've made the right decisions but the fact is, we made those decisions based on what we think were good on us. And in the end, we hurt ourselves more than we know.
Lebih baik tidak bermuka cantik tetapi berhati bersih daripada bermuka cantik tetapi berhati busuk.
thats why...solat istikharah sebelum buat keputusan dan mohon yg terbaik buat diri kita.
about the joker thingy - yes usually human are like that. thats why we need to train ourselves to be sincere and never hold anything to the heart. remember to beware but not prejudice.
true! true! but how honest and sincere someone can be?! mesti ade sedikit "ke-kelentong-an"
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