MUAR: Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said the Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) and Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) examinations may be abolished.
He said this was part of government efforts to restructure the learning system that as seen as too examination oriented and failed to provide a holistic education.
Taken from HERE
It's been all over the news and I shall say that it was indeed another round of a mistake that the government made if they were really going to abolish these two main examinations. Abolishing those exams won't do any good. Yes, our education system is totally based on examinations but it brings good to the student. Menarik daya saing yang tinggi. Don't they studied all these before they decided to abolish the examinations?
Kalau takde UPSR macam mana nak tahu tahap pencapaian sekolah rendah seseorang pelajar? What's the point of having boarding schools? What's the point of having so many teachers if the students will only have to focus on ONE main examination? What's the point of having merit system? What's the point of going to school then?
I just don't understand why?!
This is another reason for me to work hard, kumpul duit and hantar my children to a private school for their education. If things don't change, this country we're living in will definitely going down. Silap haribulan, kita bakal di jajah semula. Malah, lebih teruk daripada yang sebelumnya.
Renung-renung kah lah.
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