Who would have thought jatuh tangga boleh dapat MC dua minggu. So, kids out there, if you feel like escaping school, buat-buatlah jatuh tangga. Tapi jatuh tangga biar kasi patah kaki. Better still, biar sampai kaki lumpuh terus. Baru berbaloi.
I went for follow up check-up this morning. Thought that the cement can be taken off today but the doctor said that it takes time to recover. Since there's blue back spots at my foot, they cut the cement into half. It was indeed the scariest feeling I've ever encountered. Kaki kena gerudi yu'ol. Siapa tak gelabah. And the nurse asked the training girl to finish up the cutting process, lagilah wa gelabah!
Lain kali turun tangga elok-elok. Nasib kaulah kaki tempang.
A match made from heaven, chewah! Izwan right leg kena sambung besi and mine at the same side kena cement. Equally shared, cayalah!
I think I better stop now before I done anymore damages. Enough crapping for the day. There'll be more coming.
Astalavista bebeh!
/edited at 3:50PM

Who ever you are, thanks for dropping by. And to Syati (if that's what your name is), there's no harm in dropping some comments. Thanks for dropping by though.
Cheers! =)
Suka la tu jatuh tangga! Dapat rest ye.
I almost had my fair share yesterday. Had to grab on my dear friend for life. Nasib la tinggi dan kuat. Or else, ER would have been my place.
Take care. Rest well. Lotsa milk!
Ju, mula2 tuh suka but now i think i want my leg to be ok soon. i dah muak ddk rumah. at time like this, i really wish i'm at work hehe
u better be careful, i jatuh takdelah terok. i'm still standing time terpeleot tuh but look at me now. kaki patah, padan muka i hehe
Yeah, that's me Syati (not real name) your stalker. Nice blog u have. I'm bloghopped and reached yours and addicted to it. And I'm started to dig up your archive. Keep writing babe!
p/s thanks sebab tegur saya dulu ;)get well soon ;)
Hi Syati, thanks for dropping by. Oh, I'm flattered chewah!
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