........tidak akan putus.
Masalahnya, air boleh ke di cincang?!
That is why the proverb was created that way. Dihasilkan secara metafora.
My sister and I, we don't click with each other that much. No-lah, tipu je! We are very very close with each other that sometimes, just sometimes we wish that one of us die faster. We are known to behave aggressively towards each other whenever we're into a fight. Even though we are already in our 20s but we still fight aggressively. There was a time when I was holding a knife and she was holding the scissors trying to kill each other over a silly reason. We fought over ekor ikan. We fought over clothes. We fought over toiletries. We fought over the silliest thing one couldn't have imagine. We fought over nasi. We fought over almost everything in the world, you name it. She even screamed at me with disagreement when I first told her about me getting married. Nobody can understand us; even the parents. We fought but 20 minutes later, we're back to being normal as if there was nothing happened. That is how we communicate; by practicing the love-hate kind of relationship. Like I said, nobody could understand us.
Few days before she left for her 2 weeks of vacation, we were not in a good term. I can't really remember what was it about (banyak sangat gaduh, dah tak keep on track) and she left without saying goodbye. It was a relief though, for me that is as she won't be anywhere near me for quite some time. After few days of her absence, I started to miss her presence. Dah tak ada orang nak dibertekak kan mestilah jadi rindu. She texted me everyday about her vacation and her where about coz she doesn't want me to be worried. Sebab itu orang cakap air dicincang tak akan putus.
When I told her that I'm moving out after getting married, her immediate action was "habis tu awak nak tinggalkan kakak sorang-sorang? Siapa nak tolong kakak kalau bapak merajuk?" After much of explanation, just to convince her the rationale of me moving out, her follow up action was, "takpe, nanti kalau ada pape kakak datang duduk rumah awak. Awak jangan pindah jauh-jauh".
Lain dialognya bila tengah bergaduh, "awak jangan lagi duduk rumah ni lepas kahwin. Pergi duduk rumah lain".
You get what I mean?!
Masalahnya, air boleh ke di cincang?!
That is why the proverb was created that way. Dihasilkan secara metafora.
My sister and I, we don't click with each other that much. No-lah, tipu je! We are very very close with each other that sometimes, just sometimes we wish that one of us die faster. We are known to behave aggressively towards each other whenever we're into a fight. Even though we are already in our 20s but we still fight aggressively. There was a time when I was holding a knife and she was holding the scissors trying to kill each other over a silly reason. We fought over ekor ikan. We fought over clothes. We fought over toiletries. We fought over the silliest thing one couldn't have imagine. We fought over nasi. We fought over almost everything in the world, you name it. She even screamed at me with disagreement when I first told her about me getting married. Nobody can understand us; even the parents. We fought but 20 minutes later, we're back to being normal as if there was nothing happened. That is how we communicate; by practicing the love-hate kind of relationship. Like I said, nobody could understand us.
Few days before she left for her 2 weeks of vacation, we were not in a good term. I can't really remember what was it about (banyak sangat gaduh, dah tak keep on track) and she left without saying goodbye. It was a relief though, for me that is as she won't be anywhere near me for quite some time. After few days of her absence, I started to miss her presence. Dah tak ada orang nak dibertekak kan mestilah jadi rindu. She texted me everyday about her vacation and her where about coz she doesn't want me to be worried. Sebab itu orang cakap air dicincang tak akan putus.
When I told her that I'm moving out after getting married, her immediate action was "habis tu awak nak tinggalkan kakak sorang-sorang? Siapa nak tolong kakak kalau bapak merajuk?" After much of explanation, just to convince her the rationale of me moving out, her follow up action was, "takpe, nanti kalau ada pape kakak datang duduk rumah awak. Awak jangan pindah jauh-jauh".
Lain dialognya bila tengah bergaduh, "awak jangan lagi duduk rumah ni lepas kahwin. Pergi duduk rumah lain".
You get what I mean?!

She's turning 28 in a few days. As much as I hate her bossing around, I still love her fondly. She's my sister. My only kakak. The kakak I sometime wish I don't have. The type of kakak that I wish that I could kill when she's asleep. The kakak that I wish that I'm not related to. Despite all that, despite all the disagreements, all the arguments, all the "I hate you go and die" statements, she is still my sister and I love her unconditionally. I pray that she gets everything that she wished for. I pray for her happiness.
I love you kopam very much! Sila jadi rajin lepas ini. Kopam is her all time childhood nickname. Don't ask me why but that is what I call her for the past 25 years.
I love you kopam very much! Sila jadi rajin lepas ini. Kopam is her all time childhood nickname. Don't ask me why but that is what I call her for the past 25 years.
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