Yesterday marked the end of the year in the Islamic calender.
I'm glad that I'm able to perform Maghrib and Isya' with Izwan berjemaah and recited Yassin in between both solat. We don't really get the chance to perform solat together everyday. Once a week pon kadang-kadang susah nak solat berjemaah bersama but Alhamdulillah, yesterday we were given the opportunity to perform solat together. Syukur.
I'm glad that I'm able to celebrate the new year with my loved ones; family and lil cousins under the same roof. My favourite 3 musketeers were here yesterday having dinner and messing around maklang's house as if it was theirs. Huru-hara haru biru dibuatnya but it was all good.
I'm glad that I'm caring a healthy growing chubby looking baby inside me. Alhamdulillah. I'm very much excited to meet my baby in less than 5 weeks time Insyaallah. Woohoo!
I'm glad that I'm able to breath and live the life that I've always wanted - to have a very supportive parents (though sometimes I can never really understand them), a very sporting husband (who annoys the hell out of me), a very much emotional sister (she has a very good heart, nevertheless), cool in-laws, to have a stable life (though work do give me headache most of the time) and friends who are there when I needed them the most. Syukur Alhamdulillah for the rezki and rahmah.
There are so many things to be thankful for and I hope that this new year brings happiness and fill with love and rezki yang dirahmati, Amin.
I do not have resolutions as I never really follow. But I hope this new year brings happiness to all of us and menjadi tahun yang lebih baik kepada kita semua. Amin.
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