Darul Ridzuan ke?
looking to what has happened (and i don't think that it will stop any time soon) in Perak, i must say that it is nothing about shameful.
all that they are fighting for is that damn sit. the MP post.
sudah-sudah lah tu.
pity to those who are in Perak now. even my father is too ashame to call himself Perakians.
my father is a Perakian. eventhough he has stopped from going back to his hometown due to no longer having any more family members left, but we (he) has never stopped visiting the town that he grew up whenever he has the time. normally, during the time he has to send me back to Penang. dah satu jalan, apa salah singgah. and he has never stopped in telling us stories about his childhood life having the fun playing football especially during the rainny days. Biasalah, Taiping kan 26 hari dalam sebulan akan hujan.
"malu nak mengaku orang perak" came out from his mouth last week.
if i were in his shoes, i might probably say the same thing.
the way i see it, and i believe that people in Perak see the same thing, they are fighting for a stable life, wondering about their children's safetiness, stable income, enough food for the family, stabling their small businesses and trying to get rid of the rempits if ever they can but all that they're hearing, watching and listening is the MP post that belongs to whom?
cukup-cukup lah tu. enough with the politics! rakyat kau tengah merana oit!
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