I was in a mood for beautiful things. I browsed through the web in search for designer's bag. Bukanlah hendak membeli, berangan saja sudah. Saya adalah umat yang tidak berkelayakan untuk memilikinya. You know, every once in awhile, you need to shower your eyes with beautiful things and yesterday tend to be the day. Korek punya korek, cari punya cari, I saw this bag and it caught my eyes the moment I saw it. It was like love at the first sight. Jatuh cintan beb!

So, in order for me to fulfill the neediness of wanting this expensive bag is by purchasing them directly from the US outlets. So, you see, it is not just the bag that I have to pay but the process of getting it here that I have to put into consideration. Unless, if there's someone willing to fly away to US and get me this bag for free, that would be much appreciated.

And that is where the "sugardaddy" part comes into the picture. If you're willing to get me this bag, I promise to service you by being your maid for a duration of 2 weeks straight. No, no, I'm not "servicing" you the way you thought it would be. Eewwww, disgusting! I still have my pride here ladies and gentleman. I'll clean your house, do laundry, make sure everything is in order. I don't mind spending my annual leaves on you if you promise to get me this very bag. And I promise to be nice to you the whole time.
Kalau tiada sugardaddy, alamatnya makan pasir lah bulan ni.
I'm missing the point actually. This is only for feeding the eyes with beautiful things. Reality check please!
ajlaa this is coach kan??
for your info ade dah kat butik..i've seen it..plus u can get much cheaper if u purchase from a blog..ade org yg jual direct from US..i bought few things from them dah..and its genuine..kita pun suka beg ni juga tapi kale biru..u can check few bloggers website yg jual origional items ni and u boleh request jugak..
enjoy browsing and shopping!! :D
eh sorry terpaste blog yg sama
here: http://iwantbags.blogspot.com/
Kak Bai..
dah tny few online blogs dah..the cheapest i can get is RM980..ade tuh kasi RM1490..kopak den...
pergi boutique ade jual yg biru tuh or yg ade signature couch (yg berhuruf 'C' byk tuh kat beg)..i want leather punya..so how now brown cow??
ehh but thanx anyway.....
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