This is the cover of a book that I'm currently reading. It's been 5 months now and I've yet to finish it. I got it during my engagement, for the hantaran. I fell in love with the book the moment I saw the cover as if there's something in there eagerly wants me to read it. As much as I enjoy reading it, there's always something else kacau-ing me to finish reading the book. I have another half to go. Hopefully, I manage to finish it before year ends.
Oh, btw, the book synopsis:
In Search of Fatima: A Palestinian Story by Ghada Karmi tells a sad story of lost. In 1948 when Palestine ceased to exist, so did Ghada Karmi's childhood and her identity. From that day Ghada spent a lifetime trying to find out who she is. This is the story of her search.
In Search of Fatima: A Palestinian Story begins in Palestine. Ghada Karmi was born during the turbulent years of World War II to a well-educated Palestinian teacher working for the British Government and his then-modern social wife. In 1948, amid exploding bombs, Ghada, aged nine, and her Moslem family was forced to flee their home in the elegant Qatamon suburb of Jerusalem and seek refuge with her mother's family in Damascus. She had left behind her beloved dog, Rex, the family housekeeper & Ghadi's self adopted second mother, Fatima, her childhood, and her national identity. Palestine no longer existed. There was now only the newly formed country of Israel. After a year, her father landed a job with the BBC in London and the family relocated to predominantly Jewish Golders Green section of London. There she attends an exclusive girl's school, college, and finally went to medical school to become a doctor. Surrounded by Jews and native Brits, Ghada came to think of herself as an English person. (She comments it was easier than trying to explain that she came from Palestine, a country that no longer existed). However, each time the ongoing Middle Eastern situation heated up, Ghada was reminded that she was NOT an English woman, but a Moslem Arab. She was watched, suspected of potential terrorism, and mistrusted. Eventually, Ghada became the founder and spokeswoman for Palestine Action, a British based group that lobbied for displaced Palestinians. Finally, Ghada was forced to return to the place of her birth in order to confront and to come to terms with her identity and her past.
As written, it portrays the hardship in order for one to survive in their own country which they have to fight for. The land that was taken away from them. The days that they have to fight for to be able to live in their own country. Kita kat Malaysia ni, tak pernahlah nak bersyukur. Sentiasa ada benda yang hendak digaduhkan.
Did you know that Muslims, Jews, Christians and Armenians are all lived under one roof in Palestine/Israel? And they lived happily together, respecting each other's beliefs and religions. But yes, pertengkaran ini timbul apabila datang hasutan luar yang mula menimbulkan kebencian sesama manusia. But pendek cerita, even hardcore religious practitioner can live under the same roof but why can't we be just like them? Baru berbilang bangsa dah timbul kebencian sesama manusia.
I simply don't understand Malaysians. Cerita mendoakan kesejahteraan bangsa lain boleh dijadikan isu. Bukankah Islam membenarkan umatnya untuk sentiasa berdoa untuk kesejahteraan manusia sejagat? Manusia sejagat itu bukankah bermaksud semua manusia generally? Tidak kira apa bangsa sekali pon. Akan lebih berlipat ganda pahala yang diberikan sekiranya yang kita doakan itu memeluk Islam.
I believe Islam bukanlah agama yang membebankan atau mempunyai boundaries sesama manusia cuma manusia sendiri yang mencipta boundaries itu. Sungguh menyedihkan.
Fadhilat Solat Terawih Malam Ke-Empatbelas:
Datang Malaikat menyaksikan ia bersembahyang terawih, serta Allah tiada menyesatkannya pada hari Qiamat.
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