Friday, October 15, 2010

Confession Part 1

As much as all working people are looking forward to Fridays, I, on the other hand, have a serious love/hate relationship when it comes to welcoming Friday. Not just any particular Friday, it's basically all Fridays stated in the Chinese calender. Unless, unless if there's any public holidays fall on that day, well, that's the love part!

Friday is when client is being on their suckiest. Friday is the day for all materials to go wrong; wrong version, wrong copy, wrong color, wrong visual and god knows what other wrong thing one can create! Friday is the day when everything needs to be settled for client's approval. Friday is the day where people in this agency are not so keen when it comes to completing job requisition. Friday is also the day where people gone M.I.A especially when it involves delivering.

Friday is official my hate-day!

Unlike Monday. Monday is my happy day! I don't experience Monday blues. You see, my job requisition doesn't really works on Monday. Monday usually the happiest day for the week; for me that is! My week starts either Tuesday or Wednesday. As much as all working people hate Mondays, I, on the other hand adore Mondays as hell!

Oh, today is Friday. Patutlah!

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