Sunday, October 17, 2010

Semi-productive Sunday

Thought of reviewing the new 2011 budget that were presented last Friday (konon-konon nak jadi tak ketinggalan zaman) but after much of consideration, I think I'm going to past!
  • I wasn't tuning to any radio station or tv station for that matter during the presentation of 2011 budget because Najib's voice irritates me. I feel noxious every time I hear Najib's voice. Unlike everyone else, I only knew about it from the review Izwan and his friends gave that evening.
  • It doesn't change the fact that the government has taken a lot of our money unnecessarily.
  • And it doesn't change the fact that Rosmah's face is placed on every proposals.
There are few things that caught my attention
  • Something about improving the education system. I am totally agree with the proposal but lets just wait and see for it to be implemented. Or is it going to be one of the fail-half-way-done-keep-on-reviewing-before-they-can-be-implemented education system? For what it's worth, am saving as much as I can now so that my children won't suffer as how many school children currently are!
  • There won't be any rate increment on 4 major tolls for the next 5 years. There's no such thing on major or minor tolls here in Kuala Lumpur. When it comes to toll, all of them are the majors. And how many tolls we have here in KL? Exactly!
  • Spending roughly about RM 6billion on development. This include the building of new MRT and improving public transportation system. I am a devoted public transportation user. My daily routine involves using public transportation. If this is also going to be part of a fail promises, you are officially off my vote!
  • Duty import kurang 30%. Good news ha? But wait!
  • GST is now 1% higher. If you don't know what GST means, please my dear go kill yourself. Kalau di kira-kira, if I bought a Gucci handbag which is now 30% lower but the tax is increasing, would that be any difference? Go do the math!
  • The spending of another quarter millions for Ketua Kampung dan yang sekutu dengannya for their monthly allowances. Is this really a must?! *Sigh!* Nak jadi ketua kampung pulak lah lepas ni.
  • There's no need to pay for 10% down payment for those who earns less than RM3K per month if they were to buy a house. Tempting huh?! But trust me, the value of buying a house in officially increase. Nak cari rumah RM100K memang jangan harap. Silap-silap, rumah flat harga RM300K.
  • Income tax, tak payah cakaplah!
This is why I said Rosmah's face is all over the proposals. What's the benefit the rakyat is getting? Exactly my point! The hardship of being a Malaysian.

I think...............I think, Pilihanraya is around the corner! Lets just wait and see.

, jom migrate jom!

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