Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hello! Hello!

It's been awhile since my last post sampai terlupa that I actually have a blog. I've been very very busy with life - family, work, making sure my baby's growing healthily. Boy, I must say that it's been very tough juggling work and family dalam satu masa yang sama and there were times when I feel like loosing myself in between both. Kalau tidak ada support system yang kuat sure dah knock-out but Alhamdulillah, I'm still here standing strong.

Oh, did I mention that I've started working again. Time flies very fast it's been 3 months now since Iman was born. 3 bulan macam-macam dah berlaku. It's overwhelming but watching your baby grow makes it all worth fighting for.

So, as a start from the long hiatus, let me make a quick update on what had happened for the past 2 months.

After 44 days of "berpantang" I finally got the chance to see the sun again. Oh how I miss the sun. Baru lah nak appreciate matahari bagai. Berpantang sungguh menyiksa jiwa I even replied work from home. I think I covered that part already. So let's move on.

Then, 60 days passes like a speed boat, I went back to work with a heavy heart leaving Iman at home. Alhamdulillah, everyone is willing to look after her when I'm gone for work. Husband and mother are doing the morning shift while kakak is doing the evening shift while waiting for me to arrive home. We managed to find a nanny for Iman who's willing to look after her during the day for 4 hours at least. And she comes to our house so extra point lah to hire her. Sending Iman to a nursery is not an option, jadi nasib baik jumpa Rita, a very nice girl yang boleh look after Iman during our absence. Oh, she works only 5 days a week. So, tiada masalah di situ since I'm only working 5 days a week.

And working has been tough. Knowing how busy I become when it comes to work - time memang masalah. I have to wake up at 5.30am everyday to start my day. Alhamdulillah, Iman now wakes up once in the morning so at least I have time to rest before starting my day. Bangun to pump and to prepare bekalan untuk di bawa ke office. I have to make sure that Iman is all set before I can actually leave for work. Mandikan, susukan dulu and put her back to sleep lepas itu baru boleh bersiap pergi kerja. Although I get the help from everyone, Iman kan breastfeed so, anyhow pon I have to be around to feed her directly kalau tak nanti dia akan merajuk. Oh, Iman dah pandai merajuk-merajuk. Ikut perangai siapa pon tak tahu *cough*

Alhamdulillah, Iman still bf-ing up till today and I'm struggling now to make sure that she gets to breastfeed till 6 months at least. 2 years is too ambitious but I'll try. Awal-awal dulu memang bekalan, masyaallah tak cukup freezer nak storage the milk. Even when I'm at work, I'm able to bring home 4 bottles everyday. Bekalan memang tiada masalah. Over supply orang kata. But, few weeks ago, I was down with fever and flue. Demam panas yang berlanjutan and was under doctor care sebab takut dengue. And prior to that, my milk supply is drying up. Normally, I can get 2 bottles per session in between 3 hours tapi sekarang nak dapat 1 bottle pon susah. The fever really really has lessen my milk supply. Dugaan, dugaan. But I ain't giving up. 

Keeping a positive mind is easier said than done. Yes, she pooped. She peed. You change her diaper 6-8 times a day. Her poop looks fine. She's smiling. She gains weight. She's growing. But there's always a voice in your head asking you is your baby having enough milk? Are you giving her enough milk? Tambah pula bila your milk supply has lessen. You become demotivated. To stay positive memang memerlukan courage yang begitu tinggi. *Sigh*

Iman got her first fever 3 weeks ago. Siapa kata kalau breastfeed anak kurang sakit. She got her first fever sebab everyone kat rumah demam. She was down with a high fever nasib baik tak kena admitted tapi she had    to be oxygenated for few days to cairkan kahak. She's recovering but still on medication. Kesian anak ibu! But on the bright side, after demam she drinks a lot. A hell lot! And sekarang Iman tengah syiok nak meniarap. She can roll her body now and meniarap. Maybe sebab tu dia demam kot!

I think I better stop now. She's waking up. Toodles!