Monday, July 26, 2010


Jangan keliru. Ini bukan KerjaKahwin yang menawarkan perkhidmatan sebagai perunding perkahwinan yang mampu menawarkan pakej-pakej yang mencekek darah tetapi ini adalah kerja-kerja yang harus dilakukan sebagai proses untuk mencapai sebuah perkahwinan.

I purposely took a day off today just to complete all the requirements in order for me to berkahwin.

And this is also another reason for me to condemn how bad our government services are. For those who live/stay/grow in Selangor, be prepared for the bombered of your blood while dealing with civil servant.

I literally "bertekak" with one of the nurses at Pusat Kesihatan AU2, Keramat earlier this morning. For those who are preparing for your big day. Please take note that HIV Test can only be taken at government clinic/hospital. With so, I made a phone call some time last week at this very clinic asking whether do I have to make an appointment before doing the test. Confidently she answered that there's no appointment required. All that I have to do is just to go to the clinic and do the test as present.

And today, I went to the clinic for registration only to find out that I have to make an appointment FIRST before I can do the test. Bare in mind that there are only 10 patience that can only do the test per-day. And it so happened that today is fully booked.

Jadi, apa lagi mak nyah! Melentinglah kat situ. I told them that I made a call last week and one of the nurses told me to just come and do the test as present. They refused to accept me for today's test. So I had to lie by saying that I work outstation and today is the only day that I'm actually free; and they bought it. I was on No. 11. But I have to come back at 2 pm becoz the test can only be taken between 2 to 4 pm.

Dengan penuh kerja ulangkalinya, I went again at 2.

I was called by the nurse in charge asking me how come I'm on No.11. She added up by saying that there's no way that I can be on No. 11 as they can only do for 10 patience a day. She asked me who instructed me to be the No.11 and how does my name on the log book? As stupid as she sounded, I told her sarcastically, "tak kan saya curi buku ni dan tulis nama saya sendiri?" She kept quiet and still trying hard to defend the policy of doing only 10 patience a-day.

Awhile later, a nurse called my name and started doing the test. Ujian yang hanya mengambil masa tidak sampai 5 minit itu telah dipanjangkan ke 20 minit kerana ketidakpuashatian seorang jururawat terhadap pesakit bernombor 11. It took me only 20 minutes to complete the test. Tetapi kecohnya memakan masa 1 hari.

And I still don't get it. The hassle that the nurses made just to do HIV Test. Surprisingly, I wasn't the only one experiencing this kind of situation. Tolonglah, orang yang bekerja tidak ada banyak masa untuk melayan kerenah untuk ambil cuti semata-mata untuk membuat appointment dan datang semua untuk mengambil test yang hanya mengambil masa 20 minit. It wasn't a big of a deal. You should re-look your policies. I mean, orang yang nak berkahwin kan adalah untuk berniat baik, jangan lah menyusahkan pula.

Lucky for me, the pegawai at Jabatan Kadi was being so helpful with the procedures. Kalau tak memang dah lama gua kahwin lari ke Siam.

No wonder-lah, there are so many cases involving couples getting married at Siam. Because you made it hard for the couples to go through with the process. Sungguh tidak user-friendly.

Sebenarnya nak cakap yang saya dah buat HIV Test tetapi mukadimahnya panjang lebar macam karangan. It leaves me with just kursus kahwin yang hanya akan dilakukan pada awal bulan hadapan. Lepas itew, I bolehlah berkahwin!

Kahwin susah, tak kahwin pun susah!


ashieBee said...

yeay lepas siap semua, u bole kawin dahhhh!!! hahahaha lawak la u!

sooon babe sooon. alaaa, normal la stress2 before kawin ni, no?

chillllll ok :)) insyallah everything akan selesainye nnti.


Ajlaa Azam said...