Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Hello March!

Pejam celik, pejam celik, sekejap je dah bulan March. Which means, first quarter of the year akan berlalu dengan pantasnya. It feels like it was just yesterday where we greeted each other "Happy New Year" on new year's eve and talked about our goals and dreams for 2014. Time passes very fast without us realizing it, MasyaAllah. Kejap sangat!

So, how's my year so far? A lot has happened since the beginning of the year. It's been a busy February for me and it'll be a busy month in March too, I foresee!

Work-wise, well, there's nothing to shout about. Work has been so stressful lately that I build a strong feeling of tendering my resignation letter. Not that I can't cope with it. It's just that maybe I'm just being tired, I don't know! I need a vacation (oh, alasan semata-mata)

I'm back in being a student which could possibly be the reason why I'm so stressed lately. Good news, Alhamdulillah I managed to go through the last semester with flying colors. I was never a top student during high school - sekadar cukup makan saja. And I was slightly above average during degree tapi bila buat Masters, results macam gempak je! Cheh, bukan nak belagak but results amat memberangsangkan, Alhamdullilah. Masters is tougher in terms of timing because I'm a working person and a mother hence why it is tough. But Alhamdulillah, this is my second last semester and I know I can do this! Sikit je lagi.

As mentioned in my previous post, something BIG is happening soon. As excited as it sounds, we secured our first property, finally! Alhamdulillah. Another reason to be thankful for! I'll right about it soon once everything is confirmed. But for now, lets keep it at its low. *excited*

This is like a dream come true - it is actually! After searching high and low for the right one, we finally, finally agreed to this. I'll right about it soon, I promise!

The company just recently announced that we are going to Melbourne for our company trip, woohooo! It'll be during the long weekend break of Labour Day! It's a short weekend trip but I guess, it doesn't matter right? Everything is paid for. All one gotta do is pack the bag and leave! I have no plan to shop. Well, Melbourne is not the place to shop anyway (den tak mampu). It'll be merely sight-seeing but yeah, everything is pad for, so, ikut je! Something to look forward too! Lepas ni kena kerja macam buruh kasar lagi lah nampaknya.

That's it for now. I hope I can update more frequently just like before but I guess, life happens.

Have a nice day peeps. 

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