Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Hello 2015, why are being so tough on me?

It's been a while since I last posted anything on this blog. In fact, to be honest, I have totally forgotten about it. I was having hard time remembering my username, what more the password. Nasib baik tak kena barred. 

Anyway, I guess it is too late to wish everyone (cheh, bajet macam ada readers la kan!) a happy 2015 for the fact that we are already in June - half pass 2015. Another half year to go.

Tak sempat pon nak review 2014 which was a good - very good year for me. I don't think I remember what had happened in 2014 but to summarize things up, it was indeed a very good year. And for that, I foresee that 2015 is not going to be as good as 2014 which by far is very true!

I had a very tough first quarter of 2015. I will not go there again - let bygone be bygone. But everything starts to be picking up very well in the second quarter and I must say, dreams do come true.

As we all know, economically, we are being challenged left, right, front, back and centre. With the implementation of GST, the chaotic behaviour of our Idiotic Ministers (sorry, but I really have to write this) and the never-ending drama of 1MDB; our economy is currently seen unstable and that has brought to the downright of our Ringgit. As a worried citizen, I am not excluded in feeling the pain. Therefore, for me, 2015 is seen as a transaction year. A year where I have to be very mindful on my surroundings. A year where I have to learn to be a wise person in all aspects. A year where I have to learn to prioritize my wants and needs. A year for me to improve myself and to be a better person - mentally, and spiritually. 

Despite all that, 2015 (so far) has brought some light to my not-so-bright-tunnel. I have officially left the agency world (and the industry). Like I mentioned, dreams do come true and I shall write about it soon (I hope so!). And 2015 is a year where I will be venturing into the 3 series which I am so looking forward. Yes, unlike others, I am so looking forward to my 30th birthday. Ohh where are you July, come on!!

That's it for now. I thought of closing down this blog of mine tapi, I guess it's good to keep it. At least I have something to help me to improve my "England" - my England not so powderful

Take care everyone and Selamat berpuasa to my Muslim brothers and sisters. May this Ramadan brings barakah and hidayah to all of us and a platform for us to continuously improve ourselves in being a better ummah. 


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