Been checking flight tickets for two to Koh Samui and sadly only Firefly flies directly to Koh Samui and god their taxes are unreasonably expensive. Sigh!
Oh how I wish I earn 5 digits salary by now. Tak apa, bersyukur dengan apa yang ada.
There was a conversation I had with a colleague of mine couple of days ago about how beautiful life is if we were to be a housewife. Note that she is also a working wife to a workaholic husband. They are both working in the same industry. The same as I am. We were imagining the leisure time that we would have had if we were one. Wakes up only to get the husband's breakfast ready. When the husband is off for work, we would have all the time of our own to do what ever we want to do while waiting for the husband to come back from work. And since both of us are still in the category of "the newlyweds", getting the kids ready for school is not an issue. But if we were to have one, well, tiada masalah untuk menghantar dan menjemput mereka dari sekolah. In a way, we get the chance to spend time with our children, the mother-daughter/son time. Feed them lunch and hours later, they'll be off for the evening school pulak. We're free again. Apa lah sangat mengemas/mencuci/membasuh. Basuh rumah tak perlu hari-hari. Membasuh baju can be done in the morning. Even if we have to do it everyday, we still get roughly 2-3 hours of afternoon rest/nap. And by the end of the month, husband will give a great sum of pocket money for you to spend; on groceries, monthly allowances and what not.
Isn't that lovely. Oh, how I wish life is that simple.
But then again, when the reality hits, I don't think I want to sign for the above. I would rather work and earn my own money. And by the end of the month, we get more than enough to spend and travel. Kalau husband saja yang bekerja dan kasi duit, can you just imagine the amount of moo-lah that you'll be receiving? Unless if your husband earns 5 digits a month, itu lain cerita.
Furthermore, what life can a housewife gets for just staying at home? Otak tak berkembang, ilmu tak terisi and by the time you reach 50, your brain stuck with nothing. Of course there's exceptional but I've seen most housewives at the age of 50 and I don't want to end up being one.
Lebih rock jika menjadi seorang career lady and a great mother/wife at the same time. If my mom can do it, so do I! So yeah, housewife is a big no-no.
Lagi pon kalau jadi housewife, belum tentu si suami akan kasi green light untuk membayar tambang firefly yang tax-nya mahal itu. But if you work and earn your own money, at least you can split your expenses and spending with your husband and can afford to go for a better holiday. Tak gitu puan-puan?
After all, I don't want to waste my hard earned degree for nothing yang hanya di simpan di dalam file untuk kasi ia berabuk berkaput-kaput and I don't think my husband agrees if I want to be one. Daripada dia yang botak cepat, saya yang akan jadi lebih botak daripada dia.
Hey, I have goals to achieve and I don't want to waste my life for nothing. Being a housewife is totally not one of them. Bersusah-susah dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian, tak gitu?