Sunday, July 7, 2013

Am I ready for the 2nd one?

When I was preparing myself for my wedding, being a not-so-bride-zilla like others, there were few blogs that I normally visited. Most of them were preparing for their own wedding too. This was just to prepare myself with the do(s) and don't(s), to give me ideas on how to prepare for my own wedding, to get an idea of which vendor should I choose or not choose and whatnot but once done, those blogs were no longer being visited.

Until one day, I was blog-hopping and somehow ended at one of the blog that I used to visit. I don't know the blog owner but I remember visiting her blog so very often because of the way she writes her post. She brings interest into her writing and that is why I like it so much. She held her wedding few months after mine (I think!) but sadly, based on her current post, they (she and her husband) are still hoping for their new bundle of joy.

They did some tests and Alhamdulillah, both of them were tested normal. It is just not the right time yet. 

I adore her positivity. Even after 2 years of being married, they have not given up hope and still trying for the best (based on her writing though). I can just imagine the pressure that they have to go through especially among family members who love to question about pregnant or no pregnant. If it happens to me, I would probably just scream at the person's face. But she took it wisely. Good for her.

For that, I started to muhasabbah diri. I was fortunate to have my bundle of joy 11 months after getting married. Though we did not plan for it but the rezki that was granted to us came very fast I must say. Syukur sangat. I wasn't sure of the plan. Furthermore, I was having a tough 1st trimester and it worries me a lot. But I guess, Allah knows what is best for His ummah hence He grant us with a beautiful baby girl. And I promise myself that I will never, never neglect my responsibility as a mother to my child. This is the amanah that is given to me to raise my child to be a solehah.

Iman Alexandria when she was just few days old
Having said that, she and her husband were given a different kind of rezki. According to her post, they finally settled down with one of the Semi-D at Cyberjaya.

I believe that Allah knows what is best for His ummah. Kalau tak kasi rezeki anak, Dia kasi rezeki harta. He has His own plan and His plan always works, in shaa Allah. And He would probably know that it is still not the right time for them to have an additional to their family.

To you (I'm sure you don't read my blog) but if you do, I would love you to know that I adore your positivity. I just couldn't imagine if it happens to me but you are one strong woman. In shaa Allah, one day, your doa will be granted. Never give up hope and never stop trying. Amin.

So, am I ready for the 2nd one?

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