Monday, August 24, 2009

Big Heart

Fadhilat Solat Terawih Malam KeEmpat: Memperolehi pahala ia sebagaimana pahala orang-orang yang membaca kitab-kitab Taurat, Zabur, Injil dan Al-Quran.

yesterday marked the second day of Ramadan and also the third night for all of us performing Terawih. it is the usual for us the family to perform Terawih at As-Sobirin mosque and yesterday was the day that amazed me the most.

we were imam-ed by a 10 years old boy with such a beautiful voice. Adik Muhamad as i can recalled his name. as far as i can remember, he was the youngest As-Sobirin has ever invited in leading the solat. and boy i must say, it made the hall full of ashamed. as the boy is only 10 and he lead the hall that was full with muslims nearly atleast double his age. he recited all the beautiful surah from the Quran with beautiful Taranum and Tajwid perfectly. I was amazed!

amazed to see that he's only 10 and memerized the surah from Quran in heart. amazed to see that he has the courage to lead the solat in a mosque; for the fact that he's only 10.

he made his parents a proud one! and he sure made the hall full of proud muslims.

and he made yesterday a memorable one!

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