Wednesday, August 19, 2009

One Word


i'll write more, i promise! a lot has been happening. both good and bad, mostly good and happy moments (siapa tidak happy kalau officially graduated!).

i'll write more with marvelous pictures in line.

wait till the renovated house has finally over. it's getting on my nerves now i swear to god i'll burst anytime soon. and mom, if you ever read this, please, i say please no more renovating the house or by any chance you've decided on doing some "minor" repairing here and there, i swear i'll leave the house and never coming back. (ok, dramatic pulak). ok, maybe i'll leave the house and balik kampung.

i'll write more when the feel is right. but for the time being, relax and enjoy your life while it last! you might be suprise to see how short your life is. eh, it doesn't sounds right but you know what i mean. life is seriously too short now!

so lovebirds, smiles even when it is raining!

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