Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I celebrated my 27th birthday over the last weekend. It was nothing big. Celebrated with close family members hosted by my maklong as her first daughter, my cousin, we share the same birth date. And since Ramadan is just around the corner, we had tahlil and doa' selamat together on the same night. Just how I want my 27th birthday to be celebrated.

I am truly blessed, syukur alhamdulillah for the life I live.

I don't ask much this year. All I ask is just for Allah to grant me with a lot of patience which I'm lacking much. They say, a year older a year wiser. Truthfully, I'm lacking of the wiser part.

So, with me being 27 this year, I pray for a healthy life for me to be able to be a better muslimah, to be a better wife to my husband, mother to my children, daughter to my parents & parents-in-law and sister to my siblings including the in-laws.

And also to loose some weight *shy*shy*

Like I told my husband, 27 is not old, it is just a number. I will always be 19 at heart. LOL

Have a good day everyone.

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