Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Iman Alexandria is 6mo

She is 6 months and 15 days to be exact.

Oh my, how time flies. I can still remember holding her on the 1st day she was born. Small and tiny but she is a big girl now. Chicky and happy. Very active I must say. You should see how her hands and legs move.

Weighing 6.45kg she is still on breastmilk. She was introduced to solids when she was 5 and half months old. Alhamdulillah, she can accept all.

In terms of development, she has stabilized her prone position. In fact she has mastered it when she was 2 months old. Problem is, she is too lazy to practise it. Is it normal? Now, she tries to crawl whenever she lie down but again, malas! Haish, ikut perangai malas siapa lah nih?!

She can sit stably. She lifts her body everytime she's on someone's lap. But she prefers to stand instead of sitting. And she can't stand still, always jumping around.

Had her 6 months injection last week and Alhamdulillah, she is healthy and ready to shine, chewah!

I am looking forward to another 6 months, Insyaallah. She'll be 1. Excited!

Dear baby Iman,

Ibu is very happy to have you in my life. No words can describe how happy and thankful I am for having you. You are my life. Semoga menjadi anak yang solehah yang patut kepadaNya. Ibu loves you very much.

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