Monday, September 24, 2012

A reminder for me, a lesson for all

It was a first Monday after a long Raya break. I was still in Raya mood though my body was sitting uncomfortable at my working place. I was on facebook the whole morning and it caught my eyes when I saw quite a number of comments on one of my ex-schoolmate's wall. Not that I was doing my stalking work *cough* but you know how facebook works, they posted your friends activities by notifying on your newsfeed and that was how I got the news. 

Condolence messages were sent to her by almost everyone she knows. Being a kepochi me, I started doing my "investigation" and ohh my, what a sad, heartbreking news I got. Her husband passed away that morning while on his way back to Johore after the Raya celebration. 

I'm not sure the chronology of the incident but I'm sure her husband was on his normal speed when suddenly a trailer from the opposite side skidded and overturned to the opposite direction. He couldn't stop and hit the trailer. 5 cars followed and a motorcyclist were on the scene. Sadly, her husband passed away at the location.

The saddest part was she just gave birth to a baby boy 19 days before the accident.

This really caught me. I cried when I read the news. It really gives impact to my life. I couldn't imagine if this happens to me. Like seriously, I couldn't even think if this ever happens to me. What would I do? How would I feel? This is something that I couldn't bear with my own soul. But Allah knows what is best for His ummah. Allah tidak akan menguji umatnya jika dia tidak mampu untuk menghadapinya. She is a strong woman.

It took me days to calm down. I just couldn't get this out of my head and the faces of my loved ones keep on flashing in my head. I couldn't stop but to feel sorry for her. Poor baby, he doesn't get the chance to know his father. What if this happens to me and what will happen to my child? Ya Allah, besar betul dugaan yang kau berikan. She is still young and just gave birth. She lost the love of her life. Ya Allah. They haven't got the chance to celebrate their 1st year anniversary. Ohh god, it hurts even when I'm writing this what's worst when she is the one to bear with it.

Berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul. My prayers will always be with you friend. And I pray that you'll get through this and I also pray that your cute baby boy will be a Soleh, Insyallah. You are one strong woman.

Each time I'm on the road and everytime I feel like pressing the paddles, THIS reminds me and immediately, I'll slow down a bit and hit the road with a normal speed.

Allah kurniakan nyawa dan mengangkat nyawa kepada sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya. He's a young nice man (according to his friends). He's done nothing but being the nicest to his friends and family members and yet he was taken by the Almighty unlike us who sins. Nauzubillah. He is in a better place now. Al-fatihah.

And to you who read this, I hope you can sedakah Al-fatihah to my dearest friend who has lost the love of her life whenever you can. Drive safe and if possible try to head to your destination during the day as most lorries and trailers are on the road during the night. They can be very unreliable on the road.

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