Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Over a cup of coffee

Generally, weekend is where we spend most of our time with our family and friends - having brunch or a quick dinner just to get an update on their up and about.

Similarly like others, my weekend is where the boys will come over to the house while my mom will prepare food for them or a quick jalan-jalan with lil Iman at the park. But I hardly spend my weekends with my girls.

For some people, it is a ritual for them to have a quick get-together brunch/lunch/dinner with their close friends. Unlike others, my close friends are super busy with their own lives. One is still cooping with managing her own little family (having a 6 months old baby boy is as challenging as taking care a growing up lil Iman) while the other one is busy doing her home-diy-decorating project and the other one who is still learning to overcome her heartbroken-ness needs the time on her own. Hence, to fix the time where everyone is free and available is indeed..... difficult.

I can safely say that our get-together will only be once every quarter sebab nak celebrate everyone's belated birthdays. Oh yes, we celebrated our birthdays the belated way. Sungguh unik bukan. It's our thing, we can't help it!

Anyway, my point is, although we do not have time for each other atau dalam bahasa lembutnya, we hardly meet each other, that doesn't mean that our relationship is loosen up because we built our friendship base on trust not by frequent get-together meetings.

I know that I can rely on them on anything and I know that they will always be there for me whenever I need them the most. We don't need to meet each other every-so-weekend just to update ourselves on our whereabouts. Itu dah macam client's WIP meeting pulak nak kena update every week. We can still communicate with each other through technology though! We still keep ourselves updated about each other through phone calls. Tak perlu physical meeting because we have other commitments that requires our time instead of having a weekly get-together, kan?! Therefore, we will make sure that the time spent for each other were the quality ones. Kan lebih bermakna.

This friends I have are the ones that I'll keep for the rest of my life - the ones that will never lie, the ones that will always tell the truth even though truth hurts, the ones that will say everything in all honesty and these are the ones who will share my ups and down. Real friendship doesn't requires weekly get-together, real friendship requires honest love which we have for each other.

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