Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The wonderfulness of motherhood.

I had a crappy day today. I was stuck whole day doing budgeting. You do not want to do budgeting whole day but when you have 42 active brands, you need full concentration especially when your numbers are being reported to the senior management team. You do not want to report faulty numbers no?! I have to ensure that the numbers provided by my agency are accurate. I have to ensure that my team members also submitted the right set of media budget numbers. Trust me, you do not want to know this.

On top of that, I also need to manage some other irresponsible people who like to sit on things. Who like to cause delay on other people's job. Who just like to sit in the office makan gaji buta. Amat geram rasa di hati ini. Sesungguhnya, hari ini adalah bukan hari yang baik.

Memandangkan hari ini saya berpuasa ganti, so I left office quite early compared to other days. Left at 6.30pm sharp just to ensure that I reach home right on time for berbuka. Sesampainya di pintu rumah, Iman rushed to me naked (because it is about time for her to take her bath) with a card in hand. She handed me the card that she made today at school. Ok, clearly it is not her handwriting but the thoughts of her knowing it's actually a mother's day put me at awe.

This washed away all the crappiness I had earlier today. This really put a smile on my face. I almost cried receiving this beautiful.... beautiful card. 

The wonderful thing of being a mother. Syukur alhamdulillah.

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