While waiting for Izwan to come home (chehh dah macam bini tunggu lakinya pulang kerja pula. Coz he need to call me before I go to sleep) and while waiting for these eyes to shut down, I browsed through some b2b blog(s). Yes, I'm not going to deny for not reading them. I do, in fact I enjoy myself reading them. Reading the excitement one expresses. Sungguh menghiburkan dengan kadang-kadang timbul rasa geli pon ada (selalu sebenarnya). I found the link to a Bridezilla quiz here.
For those who don't know, bridezilla is a term used by most bride to be(s) during the process of preparing for their wedding. It shows the expression of the bride while dealing/handling her wedding prep. Pendek kata, kadar ke-gelabah-an seseorang pengantin itu. I think so-lah! Apa yang saya tahu adalah perkataan ini mengambil perkataan Godzilla sebagai kata dasarnya. Maka terciptalah Bridezilla. I don't see the resemblance but what the heck, alang-alang dah nak jadi bride-to-be, gunakan aje term-nya. Barulah se-aliran. Ok, kodi gile!
Jadi kepada sesiapa yang seangkatan dengannya (I know Farizah is!), jika mahu menguji tahap ke-bridezilla-an anda, sila jalani ujian di atas.
Sekian, wassallam and good night peeps!
but yet mmg betui pun.
slm aidilfitri ajie..
Salam aidilfitri too =).
so how? kau capai x spesifikasi ke-bridezilla-an-nya?
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