Monday, February 8, 2010

February Love part II

  • I've never felt like quitting as bad as how I feel right now. The door has finally closed and the heart is no longer there. My prayers are all I have.
  • As selfish as it sounds, I've dragged everyone into it.
  • I have a strong feeling that I might not get the job; that I have to spend another 30 years facing that same old faces.
  • (Referring to statement #1) My prayers are all I have.
  • After going through millions of considerations, I think I'm going to past "your kind of obsession". I can't keep on thinking about you and things that you're going to do. Why is it so hard to understand? Why is it so hard to tell? Am I really invisible here?!
  • I have made up my mind. I am going to swallow it all in me. Every pieces of it and I promise that I'm not going to throw it out even if it's killing me down.
  • Reality bites: Life is full of surprises. One day you're up and next, you're down. You'll be surprise to see what's there served on your table.
  • I'm falling in love for the second time; with the same person. Even deeper *wah! kinky*
  • To you, I'm so proud of you. Love you big time!
  • Some people uses sympathy to gain love. That's not fair. Love is all about honesty. You might have the sympathy but you didn't win the love. How long can love last if it's based on sympathy? And how long can you try to win love using sympathy? It didn't work out. Trust me. I've been there, I've done that!
  • I'm falling in love again. *kinky part II*
Goodnight love, may you have a great week ahead.


ashieBee said...

amboi amboi orang tgh hangat berchenta niii ;))

Serimpi said...

according to merriam-webster, "kinky" could mean:

(Date: 1844)
1 : closely twisted or curled
2 : relating to, having, or appealing to unconventional tastes especially in sex; also : sexually deviant
3 : outlandish, far-out


So...which kinky are you Ms Ajlaa? ;p

kih3...anyway, i'm happy for your love life and dont be too stress over work.

take it as a new way of learning ie hands on learning about true nature of life, how people negotiate, how they manipulate other people to achieve their objective. try to look at it from various angle. trust me, i've been there. you may hate it now because you are seeing it as work, but once you look at it as a learning process, it became less burden.

else, cari jela kerja lain. habih crita =)

Ajlaa Azam said...

Cik Rashidah: haha tgh berbunga-bunga cinta haha!

Cik Aton: thanks for the advice. I don't hate my job actually. Kerjanya menarik dan best. It's just that my immediate boss yg buat die jadi suck gila tahap yang tidak boleh blah!

oh btw, I'm kinky in a way that you just couldn't imagine haha.