Thursday, March 25, 2010


Was supposed to have an internal, but they have not been calling. So, I treat myself with a spare time with this blog I love.
  • My tooth ache. Went for checked-up yesterday (coz I can't stand the pain anymore) and the doctor told me that my tooth need a surgery. But due to the swollen I have, she advised me to do it next week instead. God, I'm not a fan of cabut-cabut gigi, but I have to do it somehow. This pain has caused me patience.
  • Good articles for you to read on. Try this and this. But don't get me wrong ladies and gent, I'm not a man-hater or a mono-gender supporter. It's something for you to ponder on.
  • Even though I kinda hate these four walls but it has been the source of place where I earned my living. It has been nothing but good to me, though not to my liking but somehow it has been the place that allowed me to stretch my wants and needs. And with that, I'm going to treat you equally fair. Although, I might be complaining about the dissatisfaction from time to time but SAA, I'm grateful for what you have done to me. The opportunities that you gave me. I would never forget you and that's for sure!
  • Referring to point #3, I bought a car. Yes, with sweat and hard work, I bought my dream car two weeks ago. It was unintentionally, but somehow I managed to get it out on time. It was a hard decision. Really hard but Alhamdulillah all the hard work pays!
  • Dad is supporting the Earth Hour. As a commando he said "hari sabtu nanti kita tutup lampu satu jam".
  • As weird as my mother can be, she is renovating the house again. This time, it only involves the kitchen. As cute as she sounds it "nak masak pun senang hati sekarang sebab dah cantik". My house is in a mess again and very-very dusty.
  • Love is definitely in the air. I've never missed mr. fiancee (wowwiee!!) as much as I miss him now. If this is the feeling of being engaged, I should have agreed to engagement a long time ago *teheee*
  • I've been dreaming of beach holiday every now and then. I hope it's a sight. Or is it because I've been thinking about it every 2 seconds?! Oh! I hope it's a sight.
  • It's lunch hour. I'm out!!!

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