Friday, August 5, 2011

Are we really that dumb?

Since I'm pretty much stable now, I take the train to work again. It's the second day this week and it's disappointing to see how we Malaysians are. I have never encountered such incident before till I experienced it myself this morning. Very very disappointing but somehow, I don't have the guts to "tegur" four inconsiderate human beings who were sitting on the train's seat like a dead body with nonfunctional braincells.

There was a pregnant lady standing right in front of them who was being ignored by those four inconsiderate white collar professionals (based on their working attire) and was left standing till KLCC station. She would probably from Wangsa Maju Station or maybe even further since she was already standing when I entered the train which was at Setaiwangsa Station. I was standing right beside her and god, I wish I have the guts the slap their faces. Two of them were pretending to be sleeping while the other two were busy buzzing with their phones. I can totally understand of me standing coz hell yeah, my tummy is not visible enough for people to know that I'm actually pregnant but hey, the lady's tummy is visible enough even a blind man can see the visibility. She has a tummy of a mountain and yet those idiots were blind enough to even notice. Poor lady but luckily, she does not has to stand to long. But still!

It's sad to see educated people acting plain stupid. I mean, I'm judging based on their working attire and the laptop bag that each and everyone of them was holding being selfish towards the people who are in need. C'mon, a pregnant lady is standing in front of you, how can you just ignore her totally?! Where have your brain gone to?! Are you really that dumb? Sad, really sad!

Sepandai-pandai manusia, ada juga bodohnya, tak gitu?!


baizurah abdullah said...

during my pregnancy when i encountered this kind of situation, lagi2 kalau org yg duduk tu perempuan kan ..

i doa (sbb doa ibu mengandungkan makbul) i doa.."takpelah satu hari nnt ko akan mengandung lagi teruk dari ni ko akan rasa".


Anonymous said...

ala babeeeee nape u tak sound je orang2 tu? eyy kalau i mmg dah kena sebijik dah! mmg pantang jumpa org camtu laju je mulut ni nak berkata2. haha


Ajlaa Azam said...

kak bai: Ajlaa tak kesah dorg tak kasi ddk sbb perut pon taklah berapa nak boyot but kesian kat akak tuh. tapi kan from my observation, kbykkan yg inconsiderate nih semuanya kap ya nun alif. bukan nak jadi racism tapi harituh tuh 4 org mereka buat derk je! geram btol!

Eena: Nak sound tapi tak berani muahahaha bln puasa kan kena byk bersabar. chehh padahal mmg tak berani hehe

xoxo--eena said...

selamba je tepuk bahu laki tu then tunjuk kat pregnant lady tu kalau u rasa u tanak marah. hehe. kalau dia tanak bgn mmg malu laaa kan dia buat camtu. kalau u buat camtu, lagi lega u akan rasa dan ppl will notice dan beringat lepas tu. hehe


Ajlaa Azam said...

thanks eena for the encouragement chewahh! next time bile terjumpa lagi situasi begini, I'll tegur *yakin*yakin*