Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Pukul 4 pagi

I hate waking up in the middle of the night thinking that it's already morning and that, I have to be ready for work. Wasted few precious hours before the actual waking up time! Lepas tu nanti mulalah rasa menyesal sebab tak tidur puas-puas, sigh!

As I aged, I noticed that I can no longer enjoy the beauty of 8 hours of sleep. The max I can go is 5 hours in a day, excluding evening nap. I'm not that type of person who needs an evening nap. Memang jenis tak boleh tidur petang. Tidur means hanya di waktu malam. Evening nap hanya jika mahu tidurkan Iman. Itu pon lepas Iman lena, I won't continue napping.

Our bedtime is between 10pm-10.30pm. Tapi kalau weekend lambat sikitlah. Kasi chan lah sikit kat Iman. I try to make sure that I reach home before Iman's bedtime so that I can atleast spend time with her. And, I try not to make her sleep too late as that will affect a child's growth. She needs her sleep and she needs to have a fix sleeping time. And because of that, every night without fail, I will wake up between 3.30am-4am sebab dah cukup 5 jam tidur. Lepas tu lepas subuh mulalah mengagau mengantuk!

It's all started when I choose to stay-up late every night during my uni years. Staying up bukan untuk study, tapi pergi melepak. And it became worst when I really had to stay up late to complete my assignments. Biasalah budak art & design, ilham datang tengah malam. Sleep deprived lah lepas tu. Jadi sekarang, ia dah jadi norm to my circle of life. And I become constantly tired because of the lack of sleep.

As much as I hate waking up in the middle of the night. The one thing that I enjoy doing while awake is to watch Iman sleeping. She is at her atmost beauty when she is asleep. Sniffing her face while she is asleep. That is the only time that I can really enjoy her "presence" because it is the only time she lays quietly without jumping or moving around. She snores, just like her dad, which worries me! Does a 2 year old kid snores? 

Well anyway, it's 15mins to 5am. I better stop now and really force myself to sleep before subuh comes.

Salam Tuesday kawan-kawan. Have a nice day ahead!

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