Friday, August 1, 2014

Well, Hello! Selamat Hari Raya.

It's been a while since my last post. Dah nak dekat 3 bulan, masya Allah. A lot has happened and I don't know where to start. 

Mulanya, meng-delay blogging sebab busy with work and study. Then came Ramadan, busy with work and masa. Alhamdulillah, in between work and Ramadan, I received my 4th semester's results. Walaupun mengharapkan straight A's tetapi dengan kadar kemalasan yang melampau sampai skip classes yang terlampau banyak, I am grateful with the results - A- (1), B+ (1). 

That leads me to my final semester - Thesis! Officially agreed to be under one of my preferred lecturer as my final thesis supervisor. Semester belum start lagi, she has already warned me to prepare the proposal which is due before cuti Raya tapi sampai sekarang tak submit lagi. Kena berusah dengan lebih keras lagi.

Work wise - busy as always!

Was assigned to few new accounts which I'm happy and not happy at the same time. Happy because I get to learn more things, take control on the account, experiencing new environment (category) but the unhappy factor is that - work is piling up high I lost control of them! Not complaining, bersyukur sebab masih bekerja dan boleh menyara Iman dan keluarga.

Ohh, I've summarized on what had happened over the past 3 months. Basically, busy bee is my middle name. 

I miss blogging but I just don't have time to blog. I miss rambling on this blog of mine! I miss posting crappy stuff. I miss syok sendiri di blog sendiri. Everytime I try posting something, mesti tersekat di tengah jalan. 

Terlupa - the biggest event that happened over the past 3 months of hiatus - I turned 29!! Shall post about it! Mesti! 

But before I forget, would like to wish Selamat Hari Raya to all of you my loyal readers (blog perasan syok sendiri saya ini, kalau ada!). Mohon maaf jika ada terkasar bahasa, terguris hati secara sengaja atau tidak sengaja. Semoga raya kita diberkati. And together we pray to all our brothers and sisters who are facing difficult time in war (Palestinian) and in sorrow (family and friends of those on board of flight MH17 & MH370). Semoga Allah lindungi mereka, amin.

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