Sunday, October 20, 2013

1st time experience as a Lecturer

Last month, I received an invitation from one of my Master's lecturer to be the guest lecturer for her class. Her topic was on Media Planning and she wanted someone from the industry to give a lecture based on industry practices. She wanted to expose her students on the real practices of Media Planners and for that, she invited me to be her guest lecturer.

And of course, without thinking much, I agreed to her invitation. She gave me the topic that she wanted me to talk about and that I prepare the slide show for the class.

Well, this is actually one way of me saying indirectly to the lecturer that I am up if they would like to offer me to be a part-time lecturer. I have raised this concern to my other lecturer, but according to her, USM did not have such program hence they can't offer me such position. Oh, I forgot to mention that this teaching is for the third year students of Mass Communication faculty.

Cara halus gitu. Well, this is one of my way of giving back to the society, chewahh!. I'm not saying that with 5 years experience as a Media Planner has qualified me to teach the students but this is actually me sharing the knowledge that I gained through my working experience to the students. I am still young and fresh and there are a lot of things that I still need to learn but that doesn't mean that I can't share with other people on what I have, right? After all, sharing is caring. 

The thing is, there are a few of Malay working in this industry. Most of them prefer to be in the PR sector. Kononnya, PR lebih glamor but what they don't know is that there are a lot of things that one can learn (and of course, glamorous is not part of it) if one enrol in this industry. I guess, I'm being biased because I am clearly a Media person but yes, as biased as I may sound, this industry serves interesting knowledge and there are a lot of things that one can learn from it. 

So, my mission is indirectly to build these students' interest into Media instead of PR.

So, off I went yesterday to USM, Penang to teach 15 Mass Comm students on the basic knowledge of Media Planning and I must say that I like it. The kind of response that I received yesterday was marvellous. Being a nervous me, I thought I can't deliver the lecture considering the fact that I just had a tooth surgery couple of days before and Alhamdulillah, Allah Maha Mengetahui, I did not face any difficulty while delivering the lecture and in fact, I was pain-less that day, Syukur alhamdulillah.

I didn't get the chance to take the picture while the class was full but yea, that was how the classroom looks like.

I must say that it was indeed a good experience. I don't mind if I have to go there every week to give a lecture. In fact, I once dream of being a lecturer cuma tak cukup pandai je nak ke tahap itu. This actually opens up my eyes that maybe, just maybe, I should reconsider my offer.

Maybe, who knows, someday I may pursue with PhD and be a lecturer instead of a Media Specialist. Doa-doalah kan ye!

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