Friday, August 20, 2010

Iftar with the crew

Had Iftar with SAA crew yesrterday. It was on our GM. Had Maghrib before heading Hokkaido imam-ed by GM and us girls (5 of us) prayed together at surau. Gotta do this often man!

Micheal the Managing Director.

GM and Sabby

Food and more food

Yea, me and Nisha, the "orang kuat makan"

I'm starting my addiction on Fb games again. I'm currently working on my bakery shop. Tak dapat bina bakery shop sendiri, buat virtually pon jadilah.

Gotta work on it now. See ya when I see ya!

Fadhilat Solat Terawih Malam Ke-Sebelas:
Keluar ia daripada dunia (mati) bersih daripada dosa seperti ia baharu dilahirkan.

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