Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lifetime opportunity

Some people were born lucky. Some people were born unfortunate. Some people were born to be a fighter and some were born to just sit and do nothing.

But what's life to you then?

Tidak sama kepuasan yang dirasai apabila kita hidup dengan hasil titik peluh kita sendiri jika nak dibandingkan dengan hidup yang bergantung dengan kemewahan daripada ibubapa sampai ke tua.

Believe me when I say that you've achieved nothing in life compared to those who work their asses off untuk sesuap nasi. Apa dapat? Tak dapat apa-apa bukan?!

Take a look around you; the car you drive was a gift from your dad, the house you live is your parent's, money from your pocket is filtered by your parent. Sekali lagi, apa dapat? Tak dapat apa-apa bukan!

Jadi renung-renungkan lah.
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone


Serimpi said...

AJLAA DAH ADA BB SIOT!!! NAK PIN NO!!! (excited terlebih pulak ;p)

Ajlaa Azam said...

itu namanya kemajuan teknologi haha