Monday, December 27, 2010

Monday oh Isnin!

I'm writing due to the lack of work. Yes darling, you read it right; lack of work. I guess everyone is still in their holiday mood so work can be put aside.

I'm writing coz right now, right now my wisdom tooth is aching and is aching hard. Last month, I experienced the same kind of pain as the left tooth ached. Today, the right tooth decided to show its' talent and started aching. I was supposed to operate both teeth but I'm just out of time to do soo. Well, no that's just an excuse. The fact is, I just love to feel the pain, the headache that I'm going to feel due to the pain, for being unable to open up my mouth coz it hurts so bad and the trouble that I have to go through caused by the pain. I just love the pain. If ever you believe that!

I'm writing coz right now, all that I have in my mind is the video I watched on youtube of a confession from a malay man over his sexuality. Bravo brother for being bold, brave and honest about your sexuality. But I think, the boldness in you is not placed at the right position and no, I'm not going to post the video here. You may need to put some afford to google it yourself.

I have nothing against gay people. I grew up surrounded by them. I went to an all girls school and yes, we have lesbians in our school and I bet at an all boys school, they have it too! I have a friend whom I'm close with who is a gay and he is still my friend eventhough he confessed about his sexuality. He's no alien to me. He is still an understanding friend who I sometimes, sometimes neglected. Boohoo. I'm not in the right position to punish or to judge. I've advised and he has promised that maybe someday, that day will come for him to change. All that I can do is just pray. Pray that someday, he'll change. Dosa pahala dia hanya urusan antara dia dan tuhan. Urusan dia dengan kita adalah urusan sesama manusia. Moga-moga tuhan buka kan hatinya untuk bertaubat. Itu sahaja.

But mister, there's no need to announce publicly on your status. We are no Americano. What will happen to the other gays for your bold confession. They have feelings too. C'mon, we have to face the fact that there are gays here in Malaysia. There are even some who have had a grand wedding just to cover up on their status. Well, that's totally out of my league but yea, they do exist! But the need of publicly announcing your status is inappropriate. After all, we are here living in Malaysia where almost everything is prohibited. You just gotta learn how to play the game by its' rule. That's all!

I'm writing coz I have the sudden missed of my best friend. She's out on a vacation to Korea and I miss her. Gila gay! Mesti dia kembang tak kempis-kempis kalau dia baca. Sungguh tidak sesuai.


Unknown said...

cuba youtube 3 cinta 3 doa.. even kat madrasah pun ada gay. i mean, seriusly yg sodokmee.

Ajlaa Azam said...

Gay is everywhere tetapi mereka juga tetap manusia biasa.