Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Allah SWT: Tidak menyekutu & tidak dimenyekutui

There has been a lot of tension going on about the usage of ALLAH in the bible. This was brought up by the irresponsible politicians over the issue of the East Malaysian Christians having the ALLAH name in their BM copy of the bible. And with the recent incident of JAIS raiding the headquarters of the Bible Society of Malaysia has made the issue grew bigger which created hatred among the extremist society of Islam with the Christians in Malaysia.

As a concerned citizen of Malaysia, I am honestly worried about this. This may leads to the same incident we had in 1969 which was caused due to the differences in religions and beliefs. We are in the 22nd century, issues like this were not supposed to be raised anymore.

I believe in unity and Islam has taught us so well to respect each other despite their religions and beliefs. If your base is strong, you shouldn't be threaten if someone were to say the other things about your religion. You should stand strong with what you believe in.

Islam has taught us that Allah itu Satu and tiada yang lain selain Allah. Allah tidak menyekutu dan tidak dimenyekutui. And if someone says that Jesus is the son of God and the God is Allah because their religion has taught them that, why must you be threaten or confused because you already know that it is wrong? This shows that you have a very weak base. One should be polishing their faith and build their base as strong as possible so that with a simple statement like that won't confuse you. This also shows that your learning and faith in Islam is not strong at all. Nauzubillah.

I believe in Islam. And to be honest, this whole ALLAH issue was brought up for political reasons. And to who ever who raised this should be burned in hell, I'm no kidding! How could you do this.

I found a very interesting and logic explanation on the usage of ALLAH and I hope this clears the air.

This is based on my personal point of view. Kalau silap tolong ajarkan. Saya budak masih belajar. Walla'hualam.

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