Thursday, January 30, 2014

Soon, Insya Allah

To a whole new beginning. Hoping for a brighter future, Insya Allah.

There are two things that I learned throughout this whole "chasing for a brighter future":-

  1. Hikmah
  2. The power of do'a
Why hikmah? I was seriously down by rejection; disappointed much! But through this rejection led me to a new opportunity. Never to give up. Allah SWT closes one door for me but He opens thousands of opportunities for me to look forward to. I have to believe in it and have faith in what ever that I'm working on, insya Allah dibukankan jalan.

Secondly, the power of do'a, MasyaAllah! I am truly humbled by it. Never to under estimate the power of do'a. And one have to believe in it in order to witness its miracle, MasyaAllah - usaha, berdoa and tawakal adalah yang sebaik-baiknya.

It's still too early for me to announce but I hope this will be "it", Insya Allah. Tapi, kalau bukan ini ketentuanNya, saya redha kerana ini adalah usaha saya.

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