Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Financial (Credit Card) Scam

I'm not sure if I have posted on financial scam before but this is the second time I experienced being a scam victim.

About a year ago, I received a phone call from Unify telling me that I have an outstanding billing amounting RM1K+. Naively, I agreed to informed them on all of my bank account details. Yes, as stupid as it sounds, I actually did informed them on all of my details of my bank accounts from my personal bank detail to the one where my salary's in. Lucky me, Allah masih mahu melindungi hambaNya yang bodoh ini, my balance money wasn't that attractive for them to withdraw. I only had RM50 in my bank account. Jadi, tak jadilah mereka nak ambik.

And you know why I trusted them? They actually informed me on Bank Negara contact person where I can make a report on this scam. Bijak tak mereka-mereka ni? Dah lah buat scam, lepas tu berjaya meng-convince-kan kita yang kita dah kena scam. So, the supposedly Bank Negara contact person made all the necessary report with all my banking details.

I told my husband about it and he said that this is actually a scam and that the Bank Negara personnel is not from Bank Negara and I don't believe him when he told me about it because they sound so very convincing. On the day I met with my Bank Negara client, I told them about it and it was confirmed that I have been scammed.

Yesterday, I received another call from Ambank credit card. I was told that I have an outstanding payment of RM3K+. It was the auto voice machine that "called" me. I pressed "9" to confirm on the statement and it led me to this Cina Ah-Beng "customer service" personnel. Dengan agak ragu-ragu, I asked that person on the assurance of him working with Ambank credit card contact centre because clearly, he doesn't speak fluent English and definitely does not sound like a customer service person. Dengan nada yang marah I told him that I don't own any Ambank credit card. I actually screamed at him and he finally hung up on me.

Nasiblah kerja tempat yang kelilingnya bank centres, I walked to Ambank to make a report. Luckily, I'm not trapped with this scam sebab I did not inform them on any of my personal details jadi mereka tak dapat nak trace apa-apa information.

Few things I learned while confirming with Ambank personnel:-

  1. Any bank will never call anyone with a direct phone no. Normally, it will appears as "Private Number" on your phone. Never will it be a direct phone number like +603-465 2016. If this happens, please note that it is a scam
  2. Credit card personnel will never call anyone for transaction confirmation. It will always be an SMS notification.
  3. Once they ask for confirmation on credit card number, surely it's a scam.
  4. Scam is very random. They will randomly call anyone to try their luck.
  5. They will convince you with Bank Negara contact person. This is also a scam.
  6. If ragu-ragu, go directly to the bank to make clarifications
Jadi kawan-kawan, berhati-hatilah. Kita semua adalah mangsa scam which I wonder, why they always attack me?

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