Friday, April 11, 2014

Hello Confidence!

This is another unpaid post for my beloved ex-client (oh, so sad!).

Libresse is currently running a contest on their microsite dedicated especially for those who have no idea on how to prepare themselves for an interview.

Why having a campaign for an interview, you may ask?

Libresse is known for its brand that empowers women in every aspect of their lives and Libresse understands that their core users are among those who are within the age group that is either university leavers or the ones who are looking for a job. Hence, this campaign is the solution to their problems. Oh yes, preparing oneself for an interview is a BIG problem. Been there, done that!

And not only that, you can also stand a chance to win an interesting prizes. Cool right?

So, if you by chance bumped into that banner above, click on it and start gaining all the tips, the dos and don't on how to prep yourself for an interview. And if you're lucky, you'll win those prizes.

Or you can just visit their site here

Good luck!

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