Monday, January 3, 2011

Perfect new year celebration

  • For the very first time in my life history, I did not burst into tears when pressure hits me. For that I moment, I felt like a serious grown up woman.

  • Few days later (which is today), I burst into a lake of tears after the heart-to-heart session with Izwan. So much of growing up heh?!

  • 01.01.11 has been a very very busy day - 3 friends wedding invis, mine to prepare & the need of helping the sister-in-law for her uni prep. I attended none and stuck doing office work the whole morning till late afternoon, did not finalized my list but I managed to follow the sister-in-law to get her stuff coz that requires the need of visiting shopping malls. Who would say no to that?!

  • Asthma has decided to say Hello to me today. This is due to point no. 2. I seriously can't remember when was the last time I feel so terribly sick. I was supposed to get some rest but ended up cleaning the room and did some update on the office work and also currently writing this post.

  • My healer is still nowhere to be found.

  • I have wedding/engagement invis for all weekends till middle of February. Mine is in between. How to attend-lah like this?!

Last but not least, congratulations dear Farizah for her big day yesterday. Sorry my dear. As much as I anticipated going to her wedding reception, I got carried away with office work and attending family's wedding reception which falls on the very same day. If I'm able to split my body into two, I would have attended her's. Unfortunately, I can't skip family's event. Semoga perkahwinan ini berpanjangan dan diberkati selalu dengan kebahagian. Amin.

Good night!


farizah zin said...

baru nak marah!!!
dlm hati aku, "y la ajie didnt come??nih nak marah ni!!" da ar yanti pun xdtg!!

its ok dear.aku paham!.kawen itu sgt best eh!
good luck to both of u and izwan!
insya allah everything akan goes well like mine!

sayang ajie!!!

Ajlaa Azam said...

wahai farizah,

bukan sengaja aku mengada-ngada tak nak datang. aku siap gado-gado lagi ngn Izwan sebab nak pergi rumah kau. sekali tgk kenduri sedara aku habis jam 4. macam mane aku nak lari ke rumah kau?!

xpe, nnt we meet up aku belanja makan kau..skali ngn yanti ok?!
*jgn marah aku tau*.

kad aku selamat smpai kat batang kali? aku mcm risau je kad xsampai..

farizah zin said...

no worries.

part yg banje mkn i likkkeee~~~
ajak yanti skali okay!

sampai dear.insya allah xde aral aku dtg okay but without hubby la.
dia da nik kapal da.
anyway, good luck ajie!!

Ajlaa Azam said...

alaaa baru nak berkenal-kenalan dgn hubby kau. Alhamdulillah, sampai juga kad itu. risau aku!

ohh kesian die baru kawen dah kena tinggal sorg. xpe, dugaan hehe

see you then! =)