Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Cerita Baju Raya

Being a wife is not an easy job. Apart from the usual-looking-after-the-family duty, a wife's duty is to determine the color scheme for her family especially when it comes to Hari Raya. Dan saya tidak terkecuali daripada memikul tanggungjawab itu.

Every year, it is my duty to pick the theme color for our Hari Raya. This is not because I am the wife, it is simply because I have a lot of different color clothes that I can wear for Raya. And to avoid miscommunication between the husband and I, he, the husband allows me to be the person in-charge of our Raya theme color. 

The 1st year of our raya together, we picked green as our theme color. It was because I was 5 months pregnant and the only baju that can fit my body then was the green kebaya I had donkey years ago. The kebaya was tailored made to a bigger size hence why it was left in the wardrobe untouched. So, with the growing tummy in 2011, I can finally fit the kebaya and the husband have to look for a green baju melayu. Nasib baik jumpa. Sekali pakai lepas basuh terus hancus. And the baju melayu is nowhere to be seen now.

Our 2nd year, I was busy getting myself used to the new environment - a working-breastfeeding-mom. I did not get the chance to do raya shopping so my sister did it for me. My parents and kakak went to Kelantan for a cousin's wedding. They bought me a chocolatey-pink batik material for raya. And since it was our first raya with lil Iman, preparation was all on her. Luckily, the husband already have a chocolate baju melayu, he did not need to get a new one. Settle baju raya in 2012. I made a simple baju kurung that is definitely fit for a breastfeeding mom. Senang nak selak-menyelak. 

The time has finally here to prepare for this year's baju raya. Well, my priority is still on lil Iman. Untung si kecil itu. And since last year I made a lot of baju baru for friend's wedding, I decided to recycle them and be my baju raya. It was one of my bestie's baju dulang. The only thing that I need to do is to get the baju beaded. Sent it to the trusted cousin and voila! Cantik dengan gayanya. 

And this year's theme is shades of orange

Bought both husband's and lil Iman's at BAK tailor. Nasib baik they open a new branch here at Boulevard Ukay Perdana and it is very near to my house. Bought them last week tak sampai setengah jam and very convenience as I don't need to drag myself to Jalan TAR and berebut with other thousands of people preparing themselves for raya. Cepat dan mudah.

There's a story behind their baju raya which I don't feel like writing it in here. Buat malu je sampai kena pergi kedai tu dua kali. Nasib baik dekat tak payah susah-susah. Little that I know, this color is this year's favourite color. Punyalah susah nak get the matching color but Alhamdulillah segalanya sudah selesai.

All I need now is to practice cara-cara memakai tudung dengan sesuainya yang mungkin.

I will also like to take this opportunity to wish everyone Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf Zahir dan Batin. I would like to seek forgiveness if I have ever hurt your feelings intentionally or unintentionally. I hope that this Syawal brings the best out of us dan bersama-samalah kita bermaaf-maafan. Buang yang keruh. ambil yang jernih.

And to those who balik kampung, have a safe journey. We will be heading up Kedah on the 2nd day of Raya, In shaa Allah.

Selamat Hari Raya.

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